Chapter 86
After Ji Shu finished speaking, he went directly to the lounge.

"Little Comb, have you finished your training?" Wei Yin was playing on his mobile phone, when he suddenly saw Ji Shu come back, he was a little surprised.It's still early, why did Ji Shu come back suddenly?

"Yeah, you finally came here once, how could I not take you out to play." Ji Shu said with a smile.

"Really? Great, it really is my favorite little comb." Wei Yin wanted to hug her happily.

"Don't touch me, I'm sweating." Ji Shu blocked him.

"I'm going to take a shower first, you can wait for me here."

"it is good."

There are separate bathrooms, one for everyone, but at the end of the corridor.

Ji Shu walked over with her own things and entered her own bathroom.

This is the bad thing here. The place to take a bath is not in your own separate lounge, and you have to walk a long way every time you want to take a bath.

After taking a shower, Ji Shu finished drying her hair and went back to the lounge wearing slippers.

She had already put the changed clothes in the bag. She was wearing a simple casual outfit and her long hair was scattered, which was undoubtedly beautiful. .

Some people, just like that, can be amazingly beautiful even without makeup.

Ji Shu doesn't have anything here, and his clothes can't be washed here, so he can only take them back for washing.

She took Weiyin out, passed by the training room, and took a look inside. Xiao Zike was reviewing the dance moves from the day before yesterday, looking very hard.

She just took one look and left directly.

"Little Comb, that man is quite good-looking."

"Do you like it?"

"I just wanted to ask you if you like it?"

"Do you think I'm such a pure face-seeker?" Ji Shu snorted, as if mocking him.

"You say that as if you are not the same."

"Of course, I'm not." Ji Shu said, "I not only look at faces, but also look at people."

"What if he's your type?"

"Silly boy, didn't I tell you that I have two more years to play, don't you be so anxious about my business being done?"

"You're not very young, there are so many things you think about every day."

"Who asked you to control your face? Am I afraid that you will be cheated away at any time?"

"Don't worry, your sister is smart."

 I'm sorry, it's a very short update. I just went to WB to check it out, and I immediately felt down.

  I didn't write another article today@[email protected](No, it was yesterday QAQ)

(End of this chapter)

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