Chapter 87
Ji Shu took Weiyin to the playground to play for a while. The weather was hot, and Ji Shu felt even more stuffy wearing a mask.

"Little Comb, let's go play the roller coaster. I haven't played it in a long time." Wei Yin seemed to be more interested in the roller coaster.

"That's fine." Ji Shu naturally agreed to him.

After rising to the highest point and then falling suddenly, before Ji Shu could make a sound, Wei Yin was already yelling.It's not scary, but exciting and exciting.

Next, they went to play a lot of sports, and Weiyin was very excited during the whole process.

Maybe his happiness is not because he hasn't played for a long time, but because Ji Shu is with him.

In Wei Yin's heart, Ji Shu occupies a very important position. His youthful and frivolous nature is the same as Ji Shu's unrestrained behavior.When the boy was the most rebellious, he suddenly met a person who could hit him with everything. That person was better than him, even crazier and more arrogant than him.In this way, it is easy for young or even rebellious teenagers to treat him as an idol.

Playing until eleven o'clock, Ji Shu really couldn't take it anymore. It was too hot today. She was wearing short sleeves and long pants, as well as a mask and a hat. Her exposed skin hurt from the sun.

"I said classmate Weiyin, let's go eat now, I'm really too hot."

"That's fine, I'm pretty hot too, where do you want to go for dinner?"

"I don't know, let's take a look around." The baseball cap on Ji Shu's head can barely cover her from the sun, but the mask is airtight and uncomfortable to wear.

"I'm going to buy water, what do you want?"

"I want Sprite, I want ice."

Wei Yin just waited for Ji Shu to come back. The young man's face was very delicate and delicate, but it didn't make people look at him as a girl.The figure is slender, and the long legs are even more eye-catching.He looked at it with his mobile phone, his eyes lowered, and the random movements he made seemed a little chic.He looked at the messages sent to him by his family, and went back a few words. Instead of paying attention to his friends' messages, he checked Ji Shu's Weibo.

He has followed Ji Shu a long time ago, probably not long after Ji Shu debuted, but he was too busy at that time, many of his family members were abroad, so he didn't know about Ji Shu, and Ou Qi and the others didn't let him help He was very unhappy at the time for turning against Ji Shu.Apart from paying attention to Ji Shu, I didn't do anything else.

Looking at Ji Shu's Weibo, the comments below are really infuriating.

They don't know how powerful Little Comb is. In the racing world, Ji Shu is the idol of many people.

Her frivolity was something that those people had never seen before.

Otherwise, how could the real Ji Shu let these people scold her.

Ji Shu is called the little witch, which is not an ordinary title.

She is really good.

Back then, Wei Yin and his brothers fell into Ji Shu's hands, and they became Ji Shu's most loyal younger brothers.

Wei Yin swiped Ji Shu's Weibo, but nothing interesting, but the following comments made him extremely angry.

He tried his best to calm himself down and checked the Weibo of his other idol.

He fell in love with a few books a year ago. The novels written in these books are very good-looking, and they are the type he likes.He didn't pay attention to this person at the beginning, and he was not interested in novels at that time. Later, for some reason, he suddenly turned out one of several books to read, and just looked at it like this, and became fascinated.

Some time ago, the sudden return of several books made him very happy. He didn't accompany them before. Now, he must watch the serialization of several books and walk with them.

It was the first time I liked reading this kind of story because of several books.

Her words are really charming.

Unexpectedly, several books have already announced the list of winners. Wei Yin looked carefully and found his own name.

He was literally bursting with joy.

At the beginning, the books of several books were sold out as soon as they were published, and the signed editions were even less pitiful. Later, the publishing house didn't know why they didn't reprint them.

There are not many books in total, and each of them only publishes a thousand copies, and the signed edition is only one-twentieth of them.

He worked hard for a long time, but in the end he only got two copies, and none of them were signed editions.

Now, Wei Yin feels that she is simply overwhelmed.

Ji Shu went to buy water nearby and came back.

Wei Yin has returned to normal, but looking at the mineral water in Ji Shu's hand, Wei Yin is still a little puzzled.

"Little Comb, why didn't you buy Coke?"

He found it strange that Ji Shu always liked to drink Coke, and even the two pandas adopted by her family were named Keke and Lele.As far as Ji Shu's obsession with Coke is concerned, it can really be said to be comparable to his obsession with racing.

"Could it be possible that you dropped it?"

"Well, yes, I like the new and dislike the old." Ji Shu replied casually, took off his mask and took a few sips of water before he felt alive.

"Sure enough, drinking ice water is the most comfortable in this weather." Ji Shu sighed.

Then she put on the mask again, and she couldn't help but put the cold water on her eyes for a while, and instantly felt much more comfortable.

"I want to eat hot pot, little comb, let's go to eat hot pot."

"Are you serious?" Ji Shu looked at him.

"That's right, let's have a mandarin duck pot. I'll eat the light one, but you can eat the spicy one."

"I remember that there is a good hot pot restaurant, shall we go there now?"

"Otherwise?" Weiyin looked at her.

After eating the hot pot, it was an hour before Wei Yin left. Ji Shu took him directly to the airport.

"Little Comb, can't you tolerate me for another two days?" On the way, he was still aggrieved, "I'll stay here for a week before leaving, okay?"

"The college entrance examination is less than a month away, can't you come back after the exam?" Ji Shu felt very helpless, how could he be so relaxed?

"I came here to celebrate your birthday before leaving." He hung his head, looking very sad.

Ji Shu's birthday is No.20 in May, and now it's No.13 in May, and it's only a few days away from her birthday.

"On my birthday, you can send me a video. Isn't that good? You'd better go back. Your family still has to worry about you."

"Little kid who is not yet an adult, let's do your own thing well first."

"I'm not a kid. In five months, I'll be an adult."

"That's another five months. Son, be obedient and don't be rebellious. I'm very busy these days and I don't have time to accompany you. Don't you feel bored if you stay by yourself?"

Say it's boring, Weiyin is really boring.

However, he didn't want to leave either.

It's just that Little Comb is so determined to ask him to leave, so he will go back, and just come back after the exam.

Thinking of this, Wei Yin wasn't so disappointed anymore, and said a few words to Ji Shu casually.

The place to eat is not far from the airport, and Ji Shu is also driving fast. The road condition is still so good. I didn't expect it to take more than ten minutes to arrive.

At the airport, Wei Yin asked Ji Shu for a few more promises, that is, to ask Ji Shu to take him to play next time, to play racing cars with him a few times, and to chat with him more. After Shudu agreed one by one, he was happy.

"That's all right, I'll go in, you go back, be careful on the road." After Ji Shu agreed to him, the boy was obviously very happy, and the corners of his mouth were wide open.

Ji Shu had no choice but to leave after seeing him walk in.

Ji Shu went directly to the training room. Xiao Zike and Lu Yi had gone to eat and hadn't come back yet. The senior brothers and sisters ate the nutritious meal specially made for them, sitting around and eating happily.

"Ji Xiaoshu, you are back."

Hearing Lin Nuan calling her, Ji Shu walked over, and she sat down cross-legged like a senior sister, "Why are you eating now?"

"It's only one o'clock now, is it very late?" Wei Ling asked while eating.

They almost all ate at this time. The training didn't end until twelve o'clock, and then they had a rest before eating. It's not too late to eat now.

Ji Shu looked at the food in their bowls, feeling a little disgusted.

There is nothing she likes here, but there are many things she doesn't like.

There are carrots, celery, and bitter melon...

Ji Shu felt fortunate that she didn't stay here all the time, nor did she have a nutritious meal here, otherwise, it wouldn't be that her picky eaters had changed, but that she had been starved and thin.

She looked at the food there, and showed disgust again.

(End of this chapter)

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