Chapter 88 Birthday
"Ji Xiaoshu, what kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lin Nuan had a bad temper, patted her on the head and pretended to stare at her.

Ji Shu has always been picky eaters. When she was here before, she didn't like many of the meals that Master specially asked someone to cook.Master doesn't know why, but a person who is so serious in this regard also spoils her, letting her eat whatever she wants, regardless of picky eaters or junk food, he really spoils her to the sky.

Under Master's pampering, Ji Shu became more confident, and they would eat fried chicken here. They couldn't understand it, and they were very depressed.

If she was as talented as Ji Shu, a genius born for dancing, she would definitely work harder.

Ji Shu is quite annoying sometimes.

Possesses the talent that others can only dream of, but does not regard any one thing as a lifelong goal.

"No, what's wrong with me? I don't have anything." Ji Shu refused to admit it, and Lin Nuan was both amused and annoyed by his innocent look.

"What's the matter, are you so good at acting after becoming an actor, you still want to lie to me?" She poked Ji Shu's face again, but Ji Shu avoided him, and looked at her aggrieved.

"Why do you feel wronged? Look at you, you are a picky eater. It's okay to be a picky eater yourself, but you still feel disgusted when you see us eating. Tell me, why are you so good at it?" Lin Nuan said and wanted to poke her in the face again. Ji Shu this time He didn't hide, and looked at her innocently.

That small appearance makes people want to feel distressed!

"If we didn't love you, you should have been beaten."

The senior brothers listened and said that they would not make a move. They are all gentlemen and gentlemen, and gentlemen speak but do not act. How could they do such a thing? Moreover, Ji Xiaoshu is good-looking, as long as it is not too much, Which man is willing to beat her!

The words of the senior brothers are very pleasant. If they didn't know the truth, they might really believe it.

Ji Shu listened, and silently rolled his eyes, and the two senior sisters were also a little speechless.

"You can't beat me, let's not talk about anything else, third senior brother, do you remember who fought with me when we first met?" Ji Shu raised his eyebrows, arrogantly.

"After fighting with me, do you remember?"

After the third senior brother listened, the third senior brother didn't want to talk.

Alas, who can forget the past when he was beaten!

That was really... appalling!
Who knew that a little girl could be so good at movies?
They seem to be flamboyant and arrogant, they seem domineering, both of them have a bad temper, when they met for the first time, Su Qing didn't pay attention, there were some things to do, the two of them got into a fight after a few words...

No, it was a unilateral beating. Ji Shu pressed the third senior brother. At that time, he really wanted to doubt his life.

"Okay, okay, I know you are amazing, are you embarrassed that you didn't see the third senior brother, so don't mention this matter again." Wei Ling was helpless.

Ji Shu slapped her lips and said nothing.

Originally, if they didn't mention it, she wouldn't say it either.

But thinking about it, I still think it's quite fun.

They chatted here for a while, and the brothers and sisters were quite harmonious, but each of them was beaten by Ji Shu more or less once.

The little girl is eloquent and extremely powerful.

At this time, the door was opened, and it was Xiao Zike and the others who came back.

Ji Shu turned her head to look like her senior brothers and sisters, and noticed Xiao Zike's gaze, and she showed him a big smile.

Xiao Zike also bent his lips, and after greeting Ji Shu's senior brothers and sisters, he asked Ji Shu directly:

"Ji Shu, shall we go to practice?"

Ji Shu nodded, stood up, and went with Xiao Zike to the practice room where they were going to train.

Lu Yi followed behind, making his own light bulb, which was shining and bright, and a little bald.

Xiao Zike has no background in hip-hop, and has studied with a choreographer for a few days, probably because he has a strong learning ability and can dance decently.Of course, he learned the most basic kind, but it's not bad.

Ji Shu tried to teach him two slightly more difficult movements, which were included in Xiao Zike's choreography.These movements are a bit difficult, Xiao Zike learned them very seriously, and would ask Ji Shu a question from time to time.

In short, the relationship between the two is still very harmonious.

In the next few days, Ji Shu and Xiao Zike would practice for a long time every day. Ji Shu would occasionally ask Xiao Zike for advice on acting skills. Xiao Zike would also study hard and often ask Ji Shu some questions.

After Ji Shu goes back, she will accompany Ji Xiaoyuan again. Ji Xiaoyuan seems to be getting better and better. Ji Xiaoyuan, who was so lifeless and sad before, makes people worry about her emotions all the time, and fears that Ji Xiaoyuan will leave them sometime.

Right now, there is no need to worry anymore, even Ji Xiaoyuan occasionally laughs happily.Ji Shu's life was like this every day, and his life was very fulfilling.

Ji Shu and Xiao Zike have gradually become familiar with each other these days, at least not like before, every time Ji Shu talks to him for a long time, he will be inexplicably embarrassed, this is probably the benefit of being thick-skinned.

No matter how embarrassing it is, I can continue to talk, and it will also let you gradually become familiar with my style.

On this day, Xiao Zike came to the training room again, and saw Ji Shu's brothers and sisters discussing what they didn't know.

He was going to leave directly, although he would always come here these days, but he is not very familiar with these people yet.He did that to Ji Shu because she was the girl he liked. Although he would not be indifferent to Ji Shu's seniors, it was difficult to get acquainted so quickly.

When he was about to walk out of here, he didn't expect to hear something about Ji Shuhe's birthday. Then he remembered that he didn't know when Ji Shu's birthday was. Curious, he couldn't help but go over and ask for a moment.

"You asked about Ji Xiaoshu's birthday?" Wei Ling was a little surprised, but then understood.

"Yeah." In front of others, Xiao Zike was not as relaxed as he was in front of Ji Shu, he was still the cold actor.

"My NO.20 birthday in May is the day after tomorrow."

After hearing the answer, Xiao Zike thanked him and went to the training room.

"Lin Nuan, do you think Xiao Zike wants to give Ji Xiaoshu a gift?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course." Lin Nuan looked clear, "You haven't seen how close he is to Ji Xiaoshu, I think he has fallen in love with our little junior sister."

"Then he is quite pitiful. Ji Xiaoshu doesn't seem to like him very much, so he treats him like an ordinary friend."

"Whatever, let's continue training."

They didn't care if they said they didn't care, they didn't need to care about Ji Shu's place, and there was no need for Xiao Zike's here.

Later, the two of them also forgot about it, so Ji Shu was a little surprised to receive this gift from Xiao Zike the day before his birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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