After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 104 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 104 Untitled Chapters

Looking at the slovenly man in front of her, Long Yao opened her eyelids and said lightly.

"Clean yourself up first, and then go find someone.

This is the first thing you do with me, don't let me down. "

Long Yao then smiled harmlessly.

She just wanted to see his ability to handle affairs.

Ouyang Qin didn't expect her to trust him so quickly?
"Boss?" Looking at the black card in his hand, he felt recognized.

Long Yao took Gui Che's computer and played with it.

Said: "I will give you enough trust, and you have to do your best. Your people are still free, and I will not restrict your freedom. Returning to Nanhai City is the time for you to play a role."

She wanted to open a jade shop in Nanhai City, and he entrusted this task to him.

"Yes." Ouyang Qin had never been so excited before.

When Zheng Biao invested in his jade shop, he was not as excited as he is today.

"Boss, are you planning to open a jade shop?"

Ming Ruofeng leaned in front of Long Yao.

"Yeah. Isn't that obvious? Save that one stone, and take all the rest back to open a jade shop."

The stone she brought back, she planned to go back to Xingyun Island to open it at night.

Find out what's inside.

Ming Ruofeng had a bitter face, "Uncle Ouyang said there are jade stones, but no matter how I look, I can't see any jade stones."

Bai Guoer rolled her eyes, "My cousin is so stupid, I even found one with jade in it."

For the rest, she couldn't tell if there was any jade at all.

There was only one small stone, and under Ouyang Qin's teaching, he found a way.

"Oh? Let me see."

Long Yao didn't expect Bai Guoer to be able to see jade.

Although all the stones she chose had jade.

But they can't see it.

"This is it." Bai Guoer quickly handed the stone in her arms to Long Yao.

Looking at the fist-sized stone, Long Yao raised her eyebrows slightly.

Although the stone is small, the jade inside it is of good quality.

Long Yao exerted a little force in his hands, and the outer skin of the stone turned into debris and fell to the ground one after another. '

A piece of extremely high-quality blood-red jade appeared in front of everyone.

"I'll go! Boss, what kind of kung fu are you doing?"

Ming Ruofeng's focus is always not on the point.

"I'll go! Boss, what is your hand?"

Bai Guoer looked at Long Yao's hands enviously.

Ouyang Qin stared at the piece of chicken blood red with burning eyes.

"Boss, the best ice breed chicken blood red!"

Although it is only the size of a palm, it is worth a lot of money.

The value of this chicken blood red is enough to buy these stones.

Bai Guoer blinked, chicken blood red?Very valuable!
Seeing the blood-red stone, Bai Guoer was ecstatic.

She said there were red stones inside.

Gui Che imitated Long Yao's way of kneading rocks, and found that his kung fu was not good enough.

Long Yao looked at the excited people and laughed.

If you know that among the stones she chose, all of them contain jade, will you be shocked?

Long Yao has read the books of Master Shenyuan, coupled with the perception of divine consciousness, it is easy to find high-quality jade.

Looking into Ouyang Qin's eyes, he found that his eyes can be cured.

If you have his eyes, you don't have to go in person when choosing jade.

Throw the jade to Bai Guoer.

Turning around and looking at Ouyang Qin, "I can help you heal your eyes, and I will leave it to you to choose jade in the store."

"What? My eyes are still okay?"

Ouyang Qin couldn't believe it.

"Naturally! It will be even better than your previous eyes."

Long Yao raised her hand and took out a bottle of brown pills from her bag.

In fact, it was taken from the pill shelf in Xingyun Temple.

The nerves in his eyes are dying now, and it won't be long before he loses his sight.

It is better to nourish the nerves and veins of his eyes before taking the elixir.

"This is a elixir, you take one a day, and your eyes will recover after a month."

There are some small dark brown pills in a transparent bottle.

Ouyang Qin looked at the pill in his hand and always felt that it was unreal.

He twisted his thigh hard, and instantly gritted his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain.

This is real!

"Boss! Me?"

Ouyang Qin was choked up and speechless.

His eyes could be healed, he didn't even dare to think about it.

People are a little blurry now, and he still needs a magnifying glass to see the veins on the stone when he chooses the stone.

Now someone told him that his eyes could be cured!

Why doesn't this shock him?
(End of this chapter)

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