Chapter 105 Trust
The rest of the people have all eaten Long Yao's pills, and they are convinced of the efficacy of the pill.

Both Bai Guo'er and Ming Ruofeng were taking the elixir given by Long Yao.

Just to regulate their tendons.

Lu Shang also ate pills, and he obviously felt healthy.

I ate another real pill just now, and I can't believe the effect of the pill.

"Work hard in the future, and the benefits will be indispensable to you."

Long Yao didn't speak any more, and continued to play with her computer.

Ouyang Qin poured out a pill and ate it into his mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and only felt a burst of sweetness in the mouth.

Without the bitterness of herbal balls.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but the things in front of him are a little clearer.

"You said it was a pill?"

Ouyang Qin realized it later, and his voice suddenly rose.

Ming Ruofeng clasped his ears, "Uncle, calm down! We are all eating, you can just eat at ease!"

"In Boss's place, taking elixir is almost like eating jelly beans, so don't make a fuss."

Ming Ruofeng looked proud, and Dese's feet were a little fluttering.

Ouyang Qin looked completely shocked.

Eat it as jelly beans?

No one else can ask for one.

Can it be eaten as jelly beans here?
Do you want to hit people like that?

He made up his mind, hugged the boss's thigh tightly and refused to leave!

"Boss, I'm going out to find someone to transport the stones, you just wait here for my good news."

Ouyang Qin's heart was full of pride.

He is full of fighting spirit, and he still has the strength to fight!
"Go." Long Yao waved his hand.

After sending a few messages to Mo Xun to report his safety, he continued to study the formula of the elixir.

These pills that ordinary people eat are all refined from ordinary herbs, and the effect is not satisfactory.

Of course, for them, this effect is already considered against the sky.

In order to achieve the expected effect and to allow ordinary people to withstand the potency of the elixir, the formula must be modified.

Long Yao thought about using those elixir and common medicinal materials to refine the elixir.

The atmosphere in the hotel is harmonious.

Zheng Biao remained unconscious after being carried back.

Zheng Biao's wife, Lan Sheng, looked at his wounds in the dark.

Although Long Yao didn't kill him, she didn't want to leave trouble for herself.

Every punch he landed was skillful.

Let him not die, but he will never wake up.

This man has a life, not just one.

So Long Yao didn't intend to let him go easily.

"Who hit it?" Lan Sheng's red lips parted slightly, and a puff of smoke came out of his mouth.

Several bodyguards with bruised noses and swollen faces looked at each other.

"Sister Lan, she's a little girl."

These people were the ones who carried Zheng Biao and escaped first.

The rest of the people, after waking up, all seemed to have lost their memory, and they didn't know what to ask.

Lan Sheng sneered, "Are you going to mess around and get beaten again?"

That tone sounded like gloating.

The three bodyguards looked at each other, lowered their heads and said nothing.

These two couples quarreled all day long because Zheng Biao went out to find the little girl.

"Go and find out about the little girl's background."

"Biao brother can't wake up, you are not allowed to reveal half a word to the outside world!"

Lan Sheng's words were full of hostility.

The man who had just been a housewife is now like a queen on high.

A blood-red dress was worn on her body, outlining her exquisite curves very well.

The charm of women in their 30s still exists.

His well-maintained face was expressionless and cold as ice.

"It's Sister Lan!" The three bodyguards hurriedly left the ward.

It's like there's something scary chasing them from behind.

Zheng Biao was able to achieve his current status thanks to his wife, Lan Sheng.

So Zheng Biao's subordinates were very afraid of Lan Sheng.

Everyone will respectfully call out Sister Lan.

Lan Sheng sat gracefully on the sofa, looking at Zheng Biao lying on the hospital bed with red lips and suddenly smiled.

"You have today too? What a retribution!"

Lan Sheng took out a cigarette and smoked.

There is no pain on her face after her husband was deposed, nor is there much gloating.

Just smoking a cigarette and looking at him calmly.

Ouyang Qin left the hotel with the black card in his hand.

I found a high-end image design shop and wanted to make myself a little bit better.

When he entered just now, he looked like a beggar, but once again he stood on the main road and turned into a high-spirited middle-aged uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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