Chapter 169 Guilt
When Long Yao walked into the room, she saw the old lady lying on the bed wiping her tears.

"What happened to the old lady?"

Long Yao smiled and poured her a glass of water.

Because Da Ya is in school, only the old lady is at home.

"I'm sorry, Doctor Long! I heard what was said outside! It's all caused by my unbelievable body, which was used to frame you."

The old lady blamed herself very much.

His life was saved by the little girl in front of him, and he even got troubled by others.

That Tian Cuihua, what did she say to a little girl!
Really annoying!
"It's nothing, she won't come in the future! You can also live a stable life."

After speaking, Long Yao took out the silver needle, ready to give the old lady a needle.

"Hey! I'm the one who made you suffer!"

The old lady has never done anything wrong in her life, why is she being taken advantage of when she is old!

"Old sister-in-law, it's none of your business! It's because we were confused for a moment! That's why Dr. Long got hurt."

Liu Laifu sat aside and sighed.

"It's all over! Don't mention it in the future."

Long Yao's hands kept moving, and soon dozens of needles were pierced.

"Okay! We won't talk about it in the future."

The old lady could see that Long Yao was not a hypocritical person.

"now it's right!"

"Village chief, I saw that every household of yours grows tea leaves?"

Long Yao had been to their field when she came two days ago.

Every household planted more than a dozen tea leaves to drink for themselves.

"That's right! The tea leaves you bought are too expensive. Why don't you grow two yourself, and it's convenient to drink, isn't it?"

How can they, farmers who plan food in the fields, afford good tea?
It's too expensive to buy, and it doesn't taste good when you drink it.

It's not as good as the tea leaves grown in their own home!
"Has the village chief ever thought about planting tea trees?"

Long Yao walked around the village and found that the soil and water quality here are very good.

In addition, the tea trees here are all ancient tea varieties, and the taste of the tea is incomparable to other teas.

Not even the sky-high priced tea leaves can compare to this.

The water here is all from underground rivers, without any pollution at all.

The beautiful scenery here is very suitable for planting tea trees.

"Planting tea trees? We really never thought about it. These tea trees are left by the older generation, and we don't plan to sell them. We cook tea and drink it ourselves."

The villagers in the entire Daliu Village are simple and honest, and they really don't have the brains for doing business.

"You have beautiful mountains and rivers here, and the tea trees you plant must be very good."

Long Yao intends to help them.

This village is really poor.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, and vehicles can only take a long detour if they want to enter the village.

Vehicles can only be parked in open spaces more than a dozen miles outside the village.

Every time Longyao came here, he had to walk more than ten miles on the mountain road.

"Doctor Long! I grow a lot of tea leaves. If you want to drink, you can pick them. This kind of tea tastes good without frying."

The old lady felt that her body was much more relaxed after the needle was pierced this time. '

Talking and laughing.

"The old sister-in-law is right. The whole village belongs to the old sister-in-law who planted a lot of tea trees, a whole two acres of land."

"As for planting tea trees in the whole village, I have to discuss it with the villagers."

"If we grow herbs from your factory, we don't have the time to take care of the tea trees."

Liu Laifu was also a little embarrassed, with a serious expression on his sun-tanned face.

It is said that herbal medicines are precious, and the quality will not improve if they are not well prepared.

I heard that herbal medicines with poor quality will not work well.

Since you signed the contract, why should you be responsible for the pharmaceutical company?
(End of this chapter)

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