Chapter 170 Tea Tree
Long Yao knew what they were worried about.

The herb given to them to grow is blood droplet, and that kind of herb grows very well without taking care of it.

She also thought about putting a water spirit bead at the end of the river in this village to make the water here unique.

Whatever they planted, watered with water from that river, everything grew well.

"Village chief, don't worry! The herbal seeds I gave you will grow well without special care. If you water more water in the river, it will grow even better."

"You will not delay planting tea trees."

"You don't have to worry about the sales of the finished tea, I will accept all the tea you produce."

The tea in her Ten Thousand Realms pawnshop will also be sold in the future as high-quality tea.

There are a few tea trees on Xingyun Island, which are ancient tea trees, and she can't drink enough of them by herself, so she doesn't plan to sell them.

Liu Laifu is also worried about the sale of tea, if someone accepts them all, why not plant them?
"Okay! Since Doctor Long said so, our village will follow you!"

Liu Laifu has never made a decision so quickly in his life.

He couldn't let the villagers continue to be poor like this.

"Then let's make a deal! Then I'll get you some good tea varieties."

Seeing that he decided to plant tea trees, Long Yao hurriedly asked Jueying to draw up a contract.

There is no room for repentance when both parties have a contract.

"I think it will work! Doctor Long is reliable! When my wife recovers, I will follow her to plant herbs."

The old lady's name is Song Yu. She has been married to Daliu Village for more than 40 years and has never thought about earning a lot of money.

She felt that as long as the whole family had enough to eat safely, it would be fine.

But God can't see her living a good life. Her son and daughter-in-law both had a car accident when they went to work in other places.

Only a ten-year-old granddaughter is left to depend on each other.

Now she also thinks about being alive and saving some money for her granddaughter. Even if she dies, the child will be better off.

"Okay! The old lady can live a long life when you recover from your illness!"

"But don't take any messy medicine in the future. Everyone in your village knows my phone number. Call me if you have any disease."

Long Yao likes these simple villagers very much.

Thinking that she will no longer be alone in the future, she feels very happy.

She did the math, and now she has met many people.

Not all are bad guys.

"Don't eat, don't eat! In the future, we will turn to Doctor Long for all medical treatment, and we will trust you now!"

"Let's talk about it first. You should charge for it. Your medical skills are so good that the whole village can trust you."

The old lady smiled and agreed.

In the past few days, after Long Yao came to give the old lady a needle, she would do a free consultation in the brigade's office.

Longyao knew the physical conditions of the people in the whole village very well, and even created a health file for them.

One more day of free clinic today, and all the people in the village will be checked.

"Yes! The old sister-in-law is right! I've taken the medicine you prescribed for me! It's only been a few days, and I feel relaxed all over, and I feel more energetic in my work."

Speaking of this, Liu Laifu is very happy. He has been suffering from illness for many years, and it is even more uncomfortable when it is rainy and cloudy.

It had just rained a few days ago, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

I feel relaxed all over, and I feel strong when I walk.

"In the future, all of you should drink water from the Daliu River! The water there is good for your health."

Later she went to put a water spirit bead at the end of the river, it would be better for them to drink the water.

"Really? After that, I will go to the river to fetch water for drinking water at home."

Liu Laifu made a decision. From now on, he will go to the river to fetch water for drinking at home.

It happened that two steps away from the door of his house was the river.

(End of this chapter)

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