Chapter 171 Daliu River

The old lady's house is closer to the river, and the river is behind the house.

So don't worry about the problem of draft.

The Daliu River loops along the back of the village, almost enclosing the whole village.

According to Feng Shui, this village is also a treasure land of Feng Shui.

The water of the Daliu River is clear all year round, and it does not freeze in winter, and there is still fog on the water.

In winter, the water is actually warm.

All the people in the village will go to the lower reaches of the river to wash clothes in winter, which is very convenient.

"The matter is settled like this, then I will go to the free clinic, and the children in the village will be left today, right?"

Long Yao bid farewell to the old lady and followed the village chief to the brigade office.

Liu Laifu nodded, "Yes! The children are waiting there today."

Jueying followed Long Yao like an invisible person.

He didn't speak, and everyone thought there was no one around.

Liu Laifu knew that this was also the leader of the pharmaceutical factory, so he wanted to say a few words about his acquaintance.

Feeling the cold breath on his body, he gave up this idea.

When we arrived at the brigade's office, a group of adults and their children were already waiting here.

The oldest child is 15 years old and the youngest is a swaddling baby.

"Let me take a look for him first, the child is too young."

Long Yao sat down and pointed to the woman holding the baby.

The rest of the people didn't grab it either, so they made way for her to watch first.

But the rest of the people looked at the mother and daughter with sympathy in their eyes.

"Hey! Good."

Li Cuilan smiled shyly, and sat at the table with the child in her arms.

Long Yao frowned slightly looking at the baby in her infancy.

The little guy's eyes were dull, and his eyeballs couldn't move.

The child is only two months old, and he looks fat and white.

Long Yao took the pulse carefully, she was indeed a fool.

"Sister-in-law, you should know about your son's situation, right? But it's okay, the child is still young and can be cured."

Long Yao didn't make it very clear.

Li Cuilan trembled with excitement, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Doctor, can my son really be saved? Please save him!"

Kowtow as you speak.

Long Yao quickly helped her up and said, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing? I said I will cure him if I can cure him, don't worry."

The child was underdeveloped in the mother's womb.

It may be caused by the emotional over-excitement of the mother when she was pregnant.

"Doctor! Can this child really be saved?"

"Yes, doctor! Please help them if you can!"

"This mother and child are also pitiful. After her husband died, she was left with orphans and widows. There was also a blind mother-in-law above her. The child is like this! How are you going to live this day!"

"Doctor, no matter what medicine is used, our whole village will help her to buy it! As long as it can cure the child."


When a group of people heard that the child could be saved, they all exploded.

The village head also trembled with excitement.

"Doctor Long, can it really be cured?"

Liu Laifu thought he had misheard.

"It can be cured, but it will take three months, because the child is too young to take too much medicine."

Although she was able to help him heal immediately, she still took some time to talk.

"Don't say three months, I'm willing to be cured in three years!"

"Doctor, no matter how much it costs, I'll chip in and treat the child!"

Li Cuilan was holding the child, her whole body trembling.

She was already desperate, but unexpectedly saw hope again.

Today she came here with the attitude of giving it a try.

The results were beyond her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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