Chapter 172

Li Cuilan's husband is a policeman named Liu Guoan.

The two met through the introduction of relatives.

After getting along for a while, I feel very congenial.

But Li Cuilan's parents disliked Liu Guoan's poor family and were reluctant to have this marriage.

Li Cuilan's parents wanted to exchange this daughter for some dowry money, which would then be used for their son's wedding.

Li Cuilan was kind-hearted, she didn't dislike Liu Guoan's blind old lady, nor did she dislike him being poor.

The two were soon married.

For this reason, her natal family also cut off contact with her.

Even if her parents severed ties with Li Cuilan, she did not intend to divorce Liu Guoan.

The two of them lived happily ever after, that is, they had no children for two or three years in a row.

Both of them were looking forward to having a child of their own, and finally conceived the child, the husband and wife wept with joy.

Li Cuilan's blind mother-in-law was also very happy.

Liu Guoan is a policeman. Even if his wife is pregnant, he often cannot go home to take care of his wife.

Li Cuilan took care of the mother and the land in the family.

Fortunately, Li Cuilan's blind mother-in-law is kind and will help her with what she can do.

Knowing that she is pregnant, she will help cook for her.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also get along very well.

Just a few months ago, Liu Guoan died because of catching bandits.

Li Cuilan was dumbfounded when she heard the news of her husband's death.

One can imagine the blow.

Li Cuilan washed her face with tears all day long, if she hadn't had a child, she would not have the courage to live.

The child in her belly was also traumatized when Li Cuilan's mood fluctuated greatly.

The child was still born prematurely.

Li Cuilan looked at the newborn child as something strange.

Because the child didn't cry or make trouble, he opened his eyes after a month.

After opening his eyes, he was dumbfounded, as if he had no focus.

Li Cuilan took the child to a big hospital, and everyone said that the child is a fool.

There is no possibility of recovery.

For a moment Li Cuilan felt that the sky was falling.

Her husband died, and the only child left was still a fool, how could she live?
Thinking that the murderer who killed her husband is still at large, she decided to live a good life.

She must live to see the murderer be convicted.

She must also save the husband and wife's son.

Li Cuilan took the child to a hospital in a big provincial city, and spent all her husband's pension, but the child is still as stupid as before.

Li Cuilan wanted to borrow money to treat her child's illness, but where could she borrow money?

In a few months, Li Cuilan realized what it means to be unlovable in life, to be indifferent to human feelings, and to be indifferent to the world.

When people are in despair, they don't have the courage to live.

Li Cuilan once thought about dying.

But looking at her blind mother-in-law and her ignorant son, Li Cuilan gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide.

So what if the child is stupid?

She will also bring up the children.

This is the only thought left by her husband.

The child is almost three months old, and Li Cuilan had already given up on treating him.

Today, when Long Yao said that she could be cured, she would be so excited.

Long Yao sighed, why do good people always have a rough life?

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will help you cure this little guy."

A descendant of an upright policeman should not have suffered so much.

"Thank you, doctor! Thank you, doctor!"

Li Cuihua knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Okay! Get up!"

Long Yao pulled her up and found that there were blood stains on her forehead.

It can be seen that she kowtowed with all her strength.


Liu Laifu was sure that Longyao could cure the child, and wiped the corners of his eyes in relief.

(End of this chapter)

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