Chapter 173
The rest of the villagers also smiled.

All happy for her family.

The people in their village are basically relatives, and they will help anyone who has a difficult problem.

Hearing that the children could be saved, the whole village was happy for them.

Long Yao could feel the harmony of this village and smiled with relief.

This kind of village without intrigue and harmony is really rare.

Long Yao plans to treat the child today.

"Sister-in-law, you take the child home first, and I will go to your house to treat the child after I see the doctor."

Today she came to the free clinic, and there are many children waiting.

"Hey! Good! I'll go home and wait."

Li Cuilan hugged the child and returned home step by step.

"This family can be saved."

"An Guo can rest in peace underground."

The village chief Liu Laifu took a puff of his cigarette and felt relieved.

"Don't worry, the village chief, I will definitely help him heal."

That disease was not difficult for her.

It's just that the child is too young to bear the force of the medicine, so she can only use stupid methods to help him recover slowly.

"Hey! Good!" The village head kept saying yes, and a smile spread on his dark face.

The free clinic went well, and the rest of the children had more or less minor ailments.

As long as you change your habits, you'll be fine.

The health records were collected by Jueying.

"Doctor, why don't you go to my house for lunch."

"Go to Cuilan's house after dinner."

The village chief watched everyone leave before opening his mouth.

His wife has already cooked dinner at home.

Thousands of exhortations and ten thousand exhortations, they must be allowed to eat at home.

"Let's not bother our aunt, let's help the child to see that we should go back."

She also wants to visit the source of the Daliu River.

"Really not going? You have helped our village so much, and we haven't thanked you properly yet."

The village head can imagine the future prosperity of their village.

In other villages, those who grow medicinal materials have made a fortune, built small western-style buildings, and drove small cars.

Even if their village is deep in the mountains, outsiders don't want to come, and they can't go out.

The only mountain road leading to the outside of the village is still rough and uneven, and it is easy to fall if you do not walk well.

Even if they planted medicinal materials, they had to find another way to transport them out.

The village head scratched his head, a little embarrassed to speak.

"Besides, we need to repair the road in our village. Does Doctor Long have a way?"

He went to the town to apply many times, but no one wanted to talk to him.

"Don't worry, the village chief. I have already found good people to repair the road. I just need you to bother to help them boil some hot water."

Seeing Liu Laifu's flushed face, Long Yao was a little amused.

Maybe it was because he mustered up the courage to speak?
Liu Laifu felt his face was hot.

A person in his 50s still has the cheek to beg for help.

She was still a little girl, which made him feel embarrassed.

It really is a young man!It's just that they are more capable than these old guys.

"Then thank you Doctor Long, don't blame me for trouble."

Liu Laifu really didn't know what to say.

I'm afraid that it's too much trouble for people to dislike him.

After all, they have already helped their village with so many things.

"No trouble! No trouble! It will be convenient when the road is repaired and we come to collect the herbs."

"Then let's go first!"

Long Yao bid farewell to the village head and walked to Li Cuihua's house.

She will not help those who are not worthy of help.

The people in this village are very simple and kind, and she is willing to help them.

Jueying walked behind Longyao and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

He is obviously a person with a heart as cold as iron, but there is also a corner with warmth.

Such a person will go farther in the world, won't he?

(End of this chapter)

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