Chapter 177
Long Yao took out a water-blue bead the size of a thumb.

The beads glisten in the light of the setting sun.

Even such a small bead is enough to nourish the water and soil in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The aura was blessed on the bead, and it hit hard into the spring.

"Ordinary people don't know this kind of black gold stone."

Long Yao kept moving and took the time to reply Jueying.

There are plenty of water spirit beads on her nebula island, and there is not a single black gold stone.

"There are unexpected gains this time."

Jueying collected all the black gold stones on the ground into the space ring.

"The harvest is not small! We should go back."

Long Yao clapped her hands and found that the water in the spring was more joyful.

The emerging water began to become clear as a mirror again.

This spring has never dried up during the drought years.

It is amazing that there is no flooding during the flood.

According to the villagers of Daliushu, this spring has existed for hundreds of years.

As soon as Long Yao and the others left, a group of small animals smelled the smell and came to the edge of the small pond under the spring.

Qiqi lined up and started drinking water.

After drinking the water, he bowed his forelimbs and thanked the spring.

A group of small animals, none of which polluted the clear water, left after drinking.

The miraculous scene here was discovered by Long Yao's spiritual sense, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The pace of walking on the mountain road has also become brisk.

The setting sun shone on the backs of the two of them, bringing a slight warmth.

As soon as he returned to the place where Jueying lived, he met a woman with a haggard face.

Long Yao didn't know her, but Jue Ying did.

His face became very ugly.

"Linchen, I'm my aunt."

When Ji Qingqing saw Jue Ying, it was as if he had seen a life-saving straw.

"What are you doing here?"

Jueying's tone was extremely indifferent.

He didn't want to see the woman in front of him at all.

"Linchen, I'm your aunt! Why are you talking like that?"

Ji Qingqing's expression turned ugly when he heard his bad tone.

"What do you want me to say?"

Jueying didn't want to see these disturbing relatives at all.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't kill people on the surface, he wanted to kill all these people.

Originally, he thought that he would never interact with these people again, but he never thought that since he returned to BH City, he would come to make trouble all day long.

"Xiaochen, is Xiaolan feeling better? I don't mean anything else, just think about my suggestion a few days ago."

Ji Qingqing had a fake smile on his old face.

"There is no need to discuss, don't step here again, or I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow."

Jueying was full of hostility, and pulled Long Yao past her and into the villa.

Seeing Long Yao beside him, Ji Qingqing yelled in disbelief, "Little minister, how can you have a girlfriend? The Yang family is still waiting for you to be their son-in-law!"

Jue closed the door as if he hadn't heard it.

Long Yao looked at him with interest.

Gui Che also came out of the room, holding the computer and preparing to listen to his explanation.

Long Yao waved her hand, holding a basket of fruit in her arms, took a bite, it was really crunchy and sweet.

"Tell me! Why are you being chased by someone to be your son-in-law?"

Long Yao's face was full of gossip.

"I also really want to hear about the glorious history of my buddies."

Gui Che also took a piece of fruit and gnawed on it.

The two of them sat on the sofa together, not too obviously gloating.

The corner of Jueying's mouth twitched.

What a careless friendship!

Gui Che didn't gossip like this before, did he?

It must have been with the boss for a long time, and all bad things have come out.

Jueying slowly took out a box of tea leaves and started making tea.

"That woman is my aunt in name..."

Ji Qingqing is the younger sister of Jueying's mother Ji Wenying, who is ten years younger than his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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