Chapter 178 Ji Wenying

Growing up in Ji's house, Ji Wenying let this younger sister coax her two younger brothers.

Ji Wenying does all the dirty work at home, hardworking and hardworking.

Even so, Ji Wenying's parents didn't like her either.

Because it's not biological, it's just adopted.

At the beginning, Ji Wenying's parents could not have children for many years, and they were always ridiculed as an extinct family.

Later I heard that adopting a child can lead to pregnancy.

The couple discussed it and decided to try to adopt a child.

This is Ji Wenying who was adopted.

Later, she really had her own child, and her attitude towards Ji Wenying changed drastically.

The husband and wife used her as a nanny to help them take care of their children and do housework.

At that time, Ji Wenying was only seven or eight years old.

Until Ji Wenying grew up and became a beauty from all over the world.

The people who came to ask for marriage almost broke through the threshold.

Seeing the poor ghosts thinking of marrying Ji Wenying, the husband and wife drove out all the suitors.

Ji's parents wanted to marry her to a man whose wife died, and that man gave the most betrothal gifts.

For the sake of the rest of her life, Ji Wenying disobeyed the wishes of her adoptive parents for the first time.

Decided to go out to work in the village.

Returning to the village after two years away, Ji Wenying has already married Jueying's father.

At that time, Jueying was already a few months old.

Ji's parents looked at themselves as a shameless adopted daughter and dared to come back?

In a fit of anger, he drove her out of the house, and since then, he has never been in touch with each other.

Without saying a word, Ji Wenying left the small village with her husband and children.

Haven't been back since.

Jueying sighed and continued: "Until Xiaolan was two years old, my parents passed away, and Xiaolan got that disease again."

"I had to go back and beg those so-called relatives to help me."

"My so-called grandmother and this aunt and uncle, do you know how they laughed at me?"

"It's their retribution to say that my parents deserved to die! It's their retribution for not listening to their arrangement."

"It's just right that Xiaolan is dead! They can sell me for money."

"That night I secretly carried Xiao Lan and left the small village."

"Because I know that no matter how long I kneel and beg them, they won't help us."

Jueying was only ten years old at that time.

He took his younger brother to sell the family house and worked for others everywhere.

When Ji's parents wanted to occupy their house, Jueying had already taken Junlan away from that small town, far away from that small village, and came to BH City.

No matter how hard the days are in the future, Jueying will never bend her knees an inch.

Because he knows that no matter whether you are doing business or being a human being, if you have no dignity and backbone, no one will think highly of you.

Except for the parents of heaven and earth, kneeling is the act of a coward.

He once knelt down to those relatives in name for his younger brother.

All I got was sarcasm and indifference.

People who are not related to you by blood will not pity you.

"From now on, no matter how difficult or painful it is, I have never shed tears. I have become used to being a killer over the years, and my heart has become harder."

"When I returned to BH City, I saw those former relatives again, and I only regarded them as strangers."

"It's just that they want to influence my life. I didn't kill them because I followed the boss and didn't want to cause trouble."

Since he is no longer a killer and wants to live a peaceful life with the boss, he can't kill people lightly.

"You can cause trouble, I really don't dislike trouble."

"Then why are they looking for you this time?"

Long Yao thinks she is not a good dragon.

She can also be cruel.

If he is no longer in this world, he will kill many people.

He didn't want his subordinates to put away all the wildness in their bodies.

That's not why she took them in.

Jueying poured two cups of tea and handed them to them.

Then said: "Speaking of this is a bit ridiculous."

"Not long after I returned to BH City, a small shareholder arranged for me to have a secretary named Yang Liu."

"That's the only daughter of the Yang family."

Thinking of the small actions of those shareholders, Jueying felt ridiculous.

 Updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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