Chapter 182
Seeing that the seeds had been distributed, Long Yao jumped to the side of the village head.

The two talked and laughed.

Jueying looked at her back with distress.

She is still a child!

"Da Kui, you go back first, I'll go to the village to have a look."

Long Yao still has to go to the village to help people treat illnesses, so she won't be able to leave for a while.

"Okay! Boss, let's go back first."

Da Kui greeted people and got on the truck.

The rest sat in the back of the car and waved to Long Yao, "Boss, let's go back first."

Long Yao smiled and nodded.

These security guards all called Long Yao the boss.

Calling the president is too vulgar, and it is not conducive to closer relationship.

Still call the boss down-to-earth.

Long Yao also thinks this title is not bad, so let them do whatever they want.

The big truck roared past, splashing dust far away.

Long Yao took a mouthful of dust and glared at them angrily.

"Doctor Long, let's go too."

The village chief pushed two bags of seeds in a wheelbarrow, and led the villagers back to the village with a smile.

Liu Zhuang also followed behind the village chief.

"Doctor Long, what kind of herb are these seeds?"

Only then did Liu Zhuang remember to ask the name of the medicinal material.

Long Yao smiled and said: "This herb is called Xuedizi. The name sounds bloody, but it is a kind of medicine that is very friendly to heart disease."

The villagers were all taken aback when they heard the name Xuedizi.

I was relieved to hear her explanation.

"Doctor Long, the name just now scared me."

"Yes! I thought it was poison or something."

"That name sounds bloody."

"Hahaha! It's because of our shallow knowledge."


The villagers discussed the names of the medicinal materials again.

Long Yao thought it was funny, she was so scared that she turned pale just now, but now she seems to be fine.

"I've never heard of this medicine."

Liu Zhuang scratched his head, he had been in the army, so he knew a lot.

It's the first time I've heard of this medicine.

"This is a new type of drug specifically for heart disease."

Jueying gave an explanation.

"I see. At first hearing the name, I really think it's not a good thing."

Liu Zhuang smiled honestly.

Long Yao didn't speak, and followed the villagers back to the village.

Seeing that it was already noon, Longyao missed Li Cuihua's cooking, and asked Jueying to go to Li Cuihua's house with meat and vegetables.

Da Ya eats at school at noon, and usually won't go home.

Only Mrs. Song was left at home, and it was Li Cuihua who cooked the meals for her.

This time it was just right, putting the meat and vegetables in Li Cuihua's house killed two birds with one stone.

"Sister-in-law Cuihua, I'm here for dinner again."

Long Yao yelled as soon as she reached the door.

Li Cuihua heard the voice and ran out of the kitchen with a smile.

"Hey, Doctor Long, why do you still bring so many things? I can still take care of your meals."

Li Cuihua hurriedly took the meat and vegetables, and gave Long Yao a look with a smile.

In the past two days, his son's eyeballs will wander around to see people.

Let alone the joy in Li Cuihua's heart, it was as sweet as drinking honey.

Her son will look at her!
It's really a happy event, and Li Cuihua smiles all day long.

Even the old lady felt that she could vaguely see the figure in front of her eyes.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are very happy all day long, and feel that there is hope for life.

"Dr. Long is here, right? Come in, the meal is ready."

Mrs. Jiang walked out of the main room with a smile.

Long Yao realized that she was not using a cane today.

"Okay, I'm just hungry."

Long Yao has no resistance to food.

(End of this chapter)

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