Chapter 183 recovered well

Li Cuilan took a scallion pancake full of scallion pancakes and went to the main room.

Where is there a dining room for rural people to eat?
They all eat in the hall.

Seeing that Long Yao was feeling the pulse for her mother-in-law, she didn't make a sound.

Carefully arrange a few people to eat.

"Auntie's eyes are recovering very well! You should be able to see the shadow now, right?"

Long Yao felt her pulse and knew that her eyes had improved a lot.

"The doctor is amazing! I was able to see the shadow just this morning."

Mrs. Jiang is now convinced of Long Yao.

"That's right! You will see it gradually in the future."

Although the pills that Long Yao gave her were ordinary pills, there was a drop of Holy Spirit spring water added to them.

"That's really great! My old lady didn't expect to be able to see it, thanks to Dr. Long!"

Mrs. Jiang choked up when she spoke.

"It can be considered that we are destined! In the future, drinking more water from the Daliu River outside will also be good for your health."

Long Yao picked up the bowl and started to eat, she was hungry.

"That's right! Doctor Long is really right! I don't know if it's my illusion, but I feel delicious cooking with that water!"

Li Cuilan handed Long Yao another pancake.

The scallion pancakes are crispy on the outside and soft and glutinous on the inside. One bite is delicious.

Jueying couldn't stop eating.

"It must be the blessing brought by Doctor Long."

The old lady Jiang thought that Long Yao was a fairy.

Since she came to this village, the air feels fresh.

Good things happen one after another.

Isn't it a fairy?
Wherever the dragon goes, it will bring auspiciousness.

Long Yao only cared about eating, and didn't hear what they said.

More than half of the food on the table went into Long Yao's stomach.

Li Cuilan made jujube soup specially for her to prevent her from eating too much.

The sour jujube soup is sweet and sour, and it is a refreshing drink in summer.

Jueying also liked this jujube soup.

After lunch, the child was still asleep and did not wake up.

Long Yao took her pulse carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

"Sister-in-law, the child has improved a lot. Continue to drink the potion I gave you."

As he spoke, the silver needles were stuck on the child's head.

"Okay, I drink it for him every day according to Doctor Long's instructions, and I never dare to forget it."

This is her own son, so he must be more careful.

Seeing the child's head full of needles, Li Cuihua felt uncomfortable.

After a quarter of an hour the treatment was over.

The silver needles were pulled out one by one, and some blood-colored dirt appeared on the child's hair.

"Sister-in-law, you help him wash it well, wait until the dirt is discharged a few times, and the child will return to normal."

These are the impurities in the children's veins.

It is these impurities that block the child's sensory nerves.

"Okay! I'll wash him up."

Li Cuihua carried the baby and went to another room.

When Mrs. Jiang heard that her grandson was recovering soon, she kept talking excitedly.

Long Yao bid farewell to Li Cuihua and went to Da Ya's house.

Unexpectedly, Da Ya was also at home today.

"Sister Long."

When Da Ya saw Long Yao's figure, she hurriedly put down the work in her hands and came up to him.

"Did you not go to school?"

Long Yao counted the days, today should be Thursday.

Da Ya scratched her head in embarrassment, "The corner of the school classroom collapsed, so I won't go to school for the time being."

Only then did Long Yao suddenly realize.

"Are the conditions in your school so bad?"

Long Yao couldn't imagine what a school where the classrooms could collapse would be like.

Da Ya nodded, "It's terrible! Our school is very small, the classrooms leak when it rains, and the food in the cafeteria is not good."

 It's updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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