After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 186 Throwing into the Illusion Room

Chapter 186 Throwing into the Illusion Room

Long Yao left the room and threw Gui Che and the two into the illusion room.

This is the first time for the two of them to enter the illusion room to practice.

Long Yao disliked that their cultivation speed was too slow.

It's been so long, and it's not long since the two have just entered the Qi training period.

"You two stay here well, keep your original intentions, and the Lingtai is clear, otherwise you will go crazy."

Long Yao threw the two of them in and left.

Zhu Meng flew over holding a fruit.

Seeing the schadenfreude look on her face, a second of silence for them.

"Yaoyao, you have done something bad again."

Long Yao rolled her eyes, what do you mean she did something bad again?

When has she ever done something bad?
She's a good kid, okay?

Zhu Mengbaiyan, if you are a good person, there will be no bad people in the world!

Long Yao went to the alchemy room and stared at the few herbs in front of her.

Yuan Jun jumped off the pill shelf, still chewing on something.

Littering: "Yaoyao, do you want to make alchemy?"

Zhu Meng also ran to the shelf and took a bottle of elixir.

"Yeah, I'm researching medicine for your injury, but I haven't researched it yet."

The elixir room is full of elixir that Long Yao has refined recently, and Yuan Jun and Zhu Meng eat them as jelly beans.

Ever since Yuanjun ate the elixir refined by Longyao, he never ate the elixir on the shelf of Wanjie's pawnshop.

Those are still sold to fools who don't know the goods.

"My injury is not in a hurry, I will slowly recover after taking these pills from you, it will be better than before."

The elixir refined by Longyao has not yet reached the divine grade, so it cannot be cured instantly, but can only be cultivated slowly.

All in all, it's much better than before.

"The injury of this little kitten can be healed very well. You can go to the palace where you live and open the seal of the leech (Dragon Zhi), take a drop of its blood, and add the fruit from the banquet fruit tree outside to refine it into a elixir. It healed."

Zhu Meng circled around Yuan Jun, this little thing's injury is no big deal!
"I'm not a kitten!" Yuan Jun bared his teeth angrily.

Zhu Meng rolled her eyes, "You are a kitten!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"


Looking at the two little Longyao who were arguing again, they helplessly supported their foreheads.

"Stop! Stop arguing!"

Long Yao held down the two cubs, and if the quarrel continued, her alchemy room would suffer again.

The two little ones turned their heads away and ignored each other.

Long Yao thought it was funny.

These two guys love and kill each other all day long.

"Zhu Meng, is Yuan Jun's injury really so easy?"

Long Yao knew that there were seven wild beasts sealed in the palace where she lived.

Qiongqi, Zhizhi, Chaos, Xiangliu, Chiseltooth, Taotie, and Huofeng.

Although there is a character for dragon in the name of zhizhi, it is not a dragon, and different parts of its body have different shapes.

Its shape is like a fox with nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws. It is called a leech.

The sound is like a baby crying, and it feeds on people.

"Of course it's not that easy. Opening their seals takes a lot of power."

Zhumeng was a little worried that opening their seals would consume too much spiritual energy.

"It's okay, I'll try it."

Being able to open their seals also gave her a great boost.

The ancient ferocious beast is no joke.

"Yaoyao, forget it! I've heard of leech, it's very cruel."

Yuan Jun didn't expect that there was a leech sealed here!

That was a legendary beast in ancient times.

The ancient white tigers were auspicious beasts, and those were ferocious beasts in the wilderness, older than the four great beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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