Chapter 187 The Leech
Yuan Jun also knew that those wild beasts were extremely cruel and never blinked.

If they can't deal with opening the seal, Yaoyao will die!
There are leeches here?
This is incredible!
If it knows that there are seven fierce beasts sealed here, will it be frightened and faint?

"It's okay, it will just lie obediently on my territory."

Long Yao flashed back to Xingyun Palace, the palace where she lived.

Yuan Jun looked at the disappearing Long Yao with complicated eyes.

Zhu Meng followed behind her, "Yaoyao, you have to think about it, it is very difficult to open the seal, or you can continue to practice alchemy."

Divine pills are not so easy to refine.

In another few hundred years, she might be able to refine it.

"It doesn't matter, Yuan Jun has been taking pills too often these days, I know that his injury is getting worse."

Only when Yuan Jun's injury worsened did he keep taking pills.

Fortunately, it is Longyao, they can eat the pills as they please, otherwise, who can afford such a pet?
The effect of the elixir is somewhat helpful, but it is not as fast as its injury deterioration.

Yuan Jun didn't say anything, and suffered the pain of the worsening injury alone.

I don't want Long Yao to worry about it.

Long Yao felt it a few days ago, that's why she kept refining pills in the alchemy room.

Hope to be able to refine the magic pill soon.

But no matter how much she researched, the elixir that came out was still not up to the divine grade.

Since there was another way to treat Yuan Jun's injury, of course she had to try it.

"Okay! I will help you protect the law when you open the seal."

Zhu Meng still looked at her worriedly.

"Good!" Long Yao felt that the current life is really good.

There are many subordinates accompanying her, and the uncle is also accompanying her.

Zhu Meng and Yuan Jun are here to accompany her.

In this life, she is no longer a lonely dragon.

Opening the underground passage of the Xingyun Palace, a gust of cold wind blew Long Yao shivering.

Those ferocious beasts were sealed in the underground palace of Xingyun Palace.

Going down the spacious passage, the inside is as bright as day illuminated by night pearls.

"It's so cold in here."

This is the second time Pearl Dream has come down to the underground palace.

Pearl Dream is a very special existence, it can ignore any formations and enchantments, and can play anywhere.

This underground palace is protected by an enchantment, no one can come down without Long Yao's permission.

Zhumeng can appear in this underground palace with a single flash.

The last time I broke into here unintentionally, I hated it and ran away after playing cold for a while.

"You'll get used to it after a while."

It is full of palaces built by Wannian Hanjing, just to seal the flames of Huofeng.

The flame of Suzaku is the fire of purification, and the flame of Fire Wind is the fire of destruction.

The flame of the fire phoenix is ​​too special, if the seal is not good, the world will end.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two flames belong to one good and one evil.

But in Long Yao's view, whether it is a divine beast or a fierce beast, they are all the same.

After walking along the passage for half an hour, I finally saw the appearance of the underground palace.

The underground palace is not that resplendent, but black.

The whole palace is that kind of depressive black, just like looking at a black and white photo.

The cold air coiled over the dome of the palace, covering the entire black palace.

Long Yao opened the heavy door, and the inside of the palace was very brightly illuminated by the cold moon crystal.

The seven beast statues were sealed with golden runes.

The bodies of the beasts are more than ten meters high, which is not their true height in Long Yao's view.

When I found the leech, standing in front of its statue, it seemed that Longyao was so insignificant.

Like the difference between an elephant and an ant.

(End of this chapter)

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