Chapter 188

The statue of the leech really looks like a fox, with its slender eyes closed, howling up to the sky, its feet on auspicious clouds, and its nine tails flowing like skirts.

Golden iron chains formed by golden runes are wrapped around each statue.

Looking at the rune above, something flashed in Long Yao's mind.

"Why does this rune seem so familiar to me?"

Long Yao rubbed her chin and began to meditate.

She had definitely seen this rune before.

Pearl Dream was a little surprised, these runes were not ordinary runes.

When did she meet?
"This is the soul seal, when did you see it?"

Zhu Meng flew around the leech.

The small body is almost invisible.

If it weren't for Zhumeng's body always shining with white light, I really wouldn't be able to see where it is.

"Soul-suppressing seal, soul-suppressing seal, soul-suppressing seal,,,,"

Long Yao murmured, she just felt that this rune was familiar.

As long as she understands how to open this soul-suppressing seal, she doesn't have to forcefully break the formation.

The spiritual power will not be consumed too much, and it will not be injured.

"That's right! Inheritance! I have absorbed the power of Chizhu this time, and there is this sealing method in the inheritance."

Long Yao thought for a long time before remembering.

When accepting the inheritance, a lot of content was poured into her mind.

Many inheritance Longyao didn't care about digestion at all.

The soul-suppressing seal is a very complicated formation, Long Yao closed her eyes and began to learn and sell.

"Is it really okay for you to hold Buddha's feet temporarily?"

Zhu Meng was a little dumbfounded.

This thing is not a child's play house.

"What do you know? Hugging Buddha's feet for a while is not fun, but it's light! I don't believe that you can't learn this soul-suppressing seal."

Long Yao quickly pinched his hands according to the formula in the inheritance.

A golden light flashed across the fingertips.

The golden light slowly changed, gradually changing into a seal.

Long Yao's face beamed with joy, it's not difficult!

As a result, the unformed talisman in her hand was lost by her frantically.

Puff ha ha ha——

Zhu Meng almost laughed out loud.

Long Yao glared at it angrily.

Sure enough, it's not that easy to practice.

The half formed sigil just now drained a lot of her aura.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, let's take our time."

Zhu Meng stared wide-eyed and hovered opposite Long Yao, kindly comforting her.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Long Yao pinched his fingers and continued to practice.

Nothing can be difficult for her yet.

Another sigil was abolished.

Then another one.

One after another!
Long Yao's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

Longyao is practicing the soul-suppressing seal hard here, and Nanhai City is not peaceful.

Nanhai City.

In Qin Wuyue's high-tech base.

Mo Xun, Qin Wuyue, and Hua Shaoqing sat together.

The three of them have their own strengths, and they are all beautiful men that are rare to see.

"What did you find?"

Mo Xun opened his mouth lightly.

"Yaoyao's elixir has attracted the attention of the Fang family, and they are now inquiring about the source."

"I also found out that the underground black market in Donghai City is also selling Yaoyao's elixir, and the Fang family has also targeted it."

Qin Wuyue gave the two of them the information she found.

"I checked the underground black market in Donghai City, but the people behind it couldn't find out."

Hua Shaoqing didn't look serious.

Since he was able to sell Yaoyao's elixir, it means he is an acquaintance.

"You don't need to check that, it's our own."

Mo Xun and You Rongyan, the organization behind that underground black market is Yao'er's people!
"Ah? Who is it? You arranged it? I haven't heard you mention the underground black market."

Qin Wuyue was a little confused.

The three of them are in frequent contact, and they know exactly who owns what property.

(End of this chapter)

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