Chapter 189 Not Mine
Mo Xun shook his head, "It's not mine, but one of Yao'er's subordinates. You should have heard of Wu Xie, the third killer in the list, right?"

"The master of the underground trading black market is Wuxie."

Mo Xun looked smug.

hiss!The two gasped.

That girl quietly became the innocent master?
They knew that those killers were free soldiers.

Never joined any organization.

That girl can do it!

It really impresses them!
Seeing the smug look on Mo Xun's face, the two wanted to beat him to death.

"You knew about it a long time ago and didn't tell us? I lost my old nose and went to investigate!"

Qin Wuyue roared.

Why didn't you tell him when you asked him to stare at the underground black market?

"Ahem! Forgot."

Mo Xun blinked innocently.

The corner of Hua Shaoqing's mouth twitched, your innocent appearance deserves a beating!

"Then is it possible for you to contact Wu Xie? If we join forces, we can have an extra line of defense."

"It's also good to remind him that Fang's family has been following him."

Hua Shaoqing usually looks foolish, but she is actually very thoughtful.

"Okay, I'll contact him now."

Mo Xun took out his mobile phone and found Wu Xie's phone number.

Wu Xie had just finished beating someone up when she heard her phone ring.

Press the earphone once to connect to the incoming call and roar, "Who! If you have something to say, just say fart, I'm busy!"

Mo Xun's cell phone was turned on hands-free, and he clapped his ears together when he heard the roar, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This guy has a bad temper!
Bang bang bang!
Wu Xie turned around to avoid the attacks of the two, "You're looking for death! I'm as beautiful as a flower and want to ruin my face!"

He jumped up with both feet, pressed the face of the visitor with his palms, and slammed the back of his head on the ground.

Boom!The man's head was bloody and bloody, and he burped and blew the lamp and pulled the wax.


Oh ho ho——

"You don't know if you beat someone in the face! My boss took great pains to maintain my handsome face, and you guys want to destroy it? You must be killed!"

Wu Xie punched fiercely and mercilessly.

Punch after punch, the visitor has no power to fight back.

With Mo Xun on the speakerphone, he could clearly hear the howling of ghosts and wolves coming from over there.

There are also innocent words that are very shameless.

Mo Xun raised his forehead, is this guy so shameless?

"I said innocent, you are quite fierce!"

Mo Xun let out a low laugh.

"I can tell, you are Uncle Mo! What do you want from me? Tell me quickly if you have anything to do. You heard me too. I'm busy here!"

Wu Xie didn't forget to joke even when fighting.


Qin Wuyue and Hua Shaoqing laughed out loud when they heard that uncle.

Mo Xun's eyes shot at the two of them like knives.

The two looked up at the sky, but they didn't hear anything!
Hua Shaoqing coughed and became serious again.

"It seems that he has already fought against the Fang family, but hearing that kid is still in the mood to joke, it proves that he can still handle it."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement.

"You are being targeted by the Fang family. I want to tell you to take precautions. It is best to join hands with me to resist the Fang family."

Mo Xun heard ghosts crying and howling wolves.

"Who do you think I beat up today? It's those bastards! I can handle it temporarily, but my side is far more serious than you imagined."

"Boss is too busy to take care of me right now, so I will take care of it myself temporarily. If you have enough manpower, you can send a few over!"

Wu Xie is going to be pissed off these days.

These guys are lingering, coming every day to assassinate him.

(End of this chapter)

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