Chapter 194

Back then, Nebula Island was boundless, and only Nebula Island in the entire Taihuang Realm was filled with chaotic aura.

The thick spiritual energy has almost turned into substance, and it seems to be drizzling every day.

The drizzle formed by the aura is not wet at all, but refreshing and refreshing.

"Huh? Isn't this big?"

Long Yao was stunned, her Nebula Island is already very big now.

"Where is this place? It's not as big as one-third of its original size."

"At the beginning, only we and the master lived here, and no one from the other dragons dared to come to Xingyun Island."

"A lot of those stinking gods who were sanctimonious wanted to take Xingyun Island, but we killed them all."

Leech talked endlessly about their past.

There is always a gentle smile on his face.

He was a different person from the irritable man who wanted to kill just now.

"What did you say just now that the six-winged dragons didn't protect me well?"

Long Yao is now like a studious pupil, wanting to know everything.

"At the beginning, the master died,,,,"

The pleasant sound of the leech magnet seems to recall a legend thousands of years ago.

After the death of the Nine-color Dragon Emperor, the dragon body was destroyed, leaving only one Nine-color Dragon Ball.

Before they planned to go to sleep, Lizhi and others handed over the dragon ball to the six-winged dragon clan to protect it.

And tell them that one day the Dragon Emperor will be reincarnated again.

Long Yao was indeed reincarnated, but somehow she left the Hexapterosaurus when she was an egg.

"Master, there are still changes after such a long time. One can imagine what the situation of the Dragon Clan is like now."

"So it's been so long since that time?"

The leech did not expect that they had been sleeping for so many years.

"It's been a long time, and now it's no better than the God Realm."

Long Yao was also filled with emotion. ,

It turned out that she was reborn again.

"Master, if you come now, let us be safe, and we will accompany you to be strong."

When they first met the master, the master was already very powerful.

Otherwise, the seven of them would not recognize her as their master.

Now that the master is not strong enough, they will accompany the master to become extremely powerful again.

"Okay! But if you go out like this, people will think you're crazy."

Hey handsome man in ancient costume!
Although the handsome men are seductive, people in ancient costumes are just for fun.

"Isn't that easy?"

The leech snapped his fingers.

Long Yao saw the change of the slender figure of the leech.

He turned into a beautiful modern man in a white suit and short white hair.

The corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched, it's still very eye-catching to go out like this.

Zhizhi has a soul contract with Longyao, and they will also know something in Longyao's mind.

So it changed to what it is today.

Just now, Zhizhi thought he was still in the God Realm, so he didn't pay attention to Longyao's changes.

So just now impulsively wanted to go out to avenge Long Yao.

Today's Xingyun Island is no longer a continent nakedly presented in front of people, but exists in Longyao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Without Long Yao's permission, Li Zhi couldn't get out of here either.

"Why don't you stay here! What if you get struck by lightning if you go out?"

Long Yao only now remembered that this plane belongs to the low-level plane.

Can't bear their such a powerful force.

"It's okay for me to suppress my strength and go out occasionally. I want to see where the master lives now."

Leech was still worried that she was outside alone.

It's not like it hasn't been done before to suppress power.

They used to follow their master to various small planes to play, so their strength would naturally be suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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