Chapter 195
Long Yao nodded with a smile, she is sleeping here and bored, right?


"There are still two of my subordinates in the illusion room, and it's dawn outside, let's go and have a look together."

It was only then that Long Yao remembered that Gui Che and Jue Ying were still in the illusion room.

The corner of Zhu Meng's mouth twitched, "Will those two belch?"

"The master has accepted his subordinates?"

Zhizhi walked behind Longyao.

It is also good for the master to charge more subordinates.

They were the only people in the past, and they were understaffed when those stinky gods besieged them.

"Yes! I want to go back to the God Realm for revenge. I'm not sure about it myself."

That person is practicing in the God Realm, and she is practicing in these small interfaces.

'It's not a class thing at all.

People's strength is advancing day by day, but it took her thousands of years to get to where she is today.

The difference is not that big.

"Lich, give me a drop of your blood later."

Long Yao walked to the banquet fruit tree and picked a blue fruit.

The fruit is blue in color and looks like a blue plum at first glance.

This is actually a kind of fairy fruit, which has the effect of repairing tendons.


Then there was an extra white porcelain bottle in the leech's hand.

"Where did it come from?"

Long Yao picked up Zhizhi's hand and looked at it, there was no scar at all.

"This is all prepared for the master in the past. Sometimes the master will use a drop of our blood to refine medicines. Each of us will store some of our own blood."

The leech is also helpless.

The elixirs that Long Yao made before were strange.

After she discovered that the blood of the seven of them had special effects, she asked them to occasionally give her a drop of their blood for research.

The blood of the leech is the cure.

"Don't do this in the future, your blood is very expensive."

Long Yao thought it would be enough to take a drop of blood from his fingertip with a golden needle.

Now I can see that the blood in the jade bottle is [-] milliliters.

"The master didn't say that in the past. Every time we were injured, the master would take our blood in a bottle and said that it should not be wasted."

The leech thought it was funny before thinking about it.

After taking their blood, I still don't forget to give them a bunch of pills to eat.

When the wound has healed, she will stop receiving blood.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, was she so unreliable before?

"Ahem! Not now."

Long Yao said with a smile.

"It's okay, our blood is enough for the master to use."

Using their blood to make alchemy, only the master can think of it.

"How did Pearl Dream know that your blood can make alchemy?"

Looking at Zhumeng, Longyao didn't understand.

Pearl Dream clearly had a clear consciousness only 5000 years ago.

How could it know things from the Great Desolation Period?
"Of course I know, I am the guardian elf of your Dragon Ball, and occasionally I will think of something in my mind."

Pearl dream white eyes.

As a guardian elf, although I can't remember most of the past, I occasionally think of other things.

In any case, it is also the guardian of the Dragon Emperor Dragon Ball, and it will know what it should know.

Zhizhi squinted at Zhumeng, curled his lips in disgust, "So weak?"

Zhu Meng frowned, "He wants to become a powerful guardian beast like you! But Yaoyao imagines me as something different! What can I do?"

Long Yao coughed twice in embarrassment, and hurriedly stopped Zhu Meng from continuing.

Let's talk about whether she should lose face or not.

"It was a mistake."

Then swaggered and walked away without guilt.

The leeches stood there and twitched the corners of their eyes.

How could he not know that there is only one chance when the cloud of spiritual mist changes?
Zhu Meng stared at Long Yao's back.

They have a feud!Vengeance!
(End of this chapter)

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