Chapter 248 Don't bother
Long Yao didn't expect that Mo Xun would admit to being cowardly.

Blinking and adapting for a while, I suddenly felt very funny.

"You don't need to worry about the master's injury."

As he spoke, the leech took out a fruit from his bosom.

"Master, eat this fruit first."

This fruit is blood red, and the crystal clear flesh seems to be leaking through the thin red peel.

It makes people want to take a bite.

"This is?" Long Yao was taken aback.

This kind of fruit is called red thunder fruit, which is a kind of fairy fruit.

Specializes in the treatment of lightning strike injuries.

This kind of fruit is not available on her Nebula Island.

Where did the leeches come from?
"This is in the subordinate's storage space. There was such a red thunder fruit tree on Nebula Island in the previous life, but the master gave it to someone else."

Lizhi glanced at Mo Xun indifferently.

Long Yao frowned, this kind of fruit will take ten thousand years to bear fruit, ten thousand years to mature, it is a rare treasure.

She also saw it in an ancient book.

Didn't expect her to have such a fruit tree in her previous life?
"You were injured too, is it just this one fruit?"

Long Yao naturally knew the efficacy of this fruit, so she couldn't refine it into a elixir, so she could only eat it like this.

It can be preserved for such a long time and it is still intact. The leeches must be carefully protected with some treasure.

"I'm fine! It's just this one! Master hurry up and eat it."

Lizhi ignored Mo Xun who was at the side, and just didn't want to see him.

In the previous life, when Long Yao was planning to give away this kind of fruit, each of the seven brothers secretly picked one and put it away.

There were ten fruits on the tree, and they picked seven of them and ran away. At that time, the master was very angry.

The master had no choice but to take the remaining three fruits and give them away.

"Then we are one and a half."

Long Yao made a gesture to separate the fruit.

The leech hurriedly stopped, "No! Half of the fruit is not enough to heal the wounds on the master's body, and the wounds on my body will be better if I cultivate for a while."

If you want to eat this kind of fruit, you have to undo the seal of one of the other brothers.

Now that the master is seriously injured and his strength is not high, it is better not to tell her.

Let her rest well.

"Then you eat!" Long Yao didn't want him to be hurt forever.

His injuries were much more severe than hers.

When Mo Xun saw the two of them back and forth, the sour water kept pouring out.

"Yaoer eat quickly."

Mo Xun unceremoniously picked up the fruit and brought it to Long Yao's mouth.

The fruit melted in the mouth, and the wound on Long Yao's body began to heal visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Longyao eat the fruit, Lizhi also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, I still need you to support the outside, and I still need you to open the universe and starry sky. It is imminent to find the Dragon Ball. As long as the master is well, the injuries of the subordinates can be cultivated slowly."

Now the leech is worried about those dogs in the God Realm.

Start to stumbling the master now, and the road for the master will be even more difficult in the future.

Mo Xun was still confused.

Look at Longyao and then look at the leeches.

Leech didn't even bother to talk to him.

This person changed his temper after reincarnation?

Seeing him like this now, where is the coldness and inhumanity of his previous life?

It's good now, just play a rogue!
How did he find his master after rebirth?
Is it really the fate of the two?
The leech had many doubts in his heart.

Seeing that Mo Xun didn't know, Long Yao told him the true identities of herself and Zhizhi.

Mo Xun listened silently to Long Yao's words, and occasionally his heart would tingle slightly.

It turned out that his Yao'er was such an awesome existence.

Glancing at the leech, is this a legendary beast?No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it!

(End of this chapter)

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