Chapter 249 Identity
Mo Xun was surprised by Long Yao's identity, and suddenly felt that he could not keep up with her pace no matter what.

He even thought how could a mere mortal be worthy of his Yao'er?

Mo Xun's heart began to waver.

"Mo Xun, I don't care what reincarnation is because of you, but I still hope that you stay away from my master. You have hurt my master enough in your previous life! In this life, no matter what, I will not let you hurt my master again. .”

Seeing that he was always thinking of Long Yao, Gichi reminded him displeased.

Mo Xun knew about Long Yao's past life, and wanted to know what his past life had to do with her.

He said with a serious expression: "Gengzhi, I don't know what I was like in the previous life, but please tell me the truth, if I really hurt Yao'er in the previous life, I will protect her with my life in this life."

Although he still doesn't have the ability to protect her.

Mo Xun silently added another sentence in his heart.

Lizhi glanced at Longyao, and saw curiosity in her eyes.

With a long sigh, he actually hoped that the master would have someone who truly loves her.

In the previous life, the brothers hoped that the master could find her lover.

It's just that this person can't be Mo Xun!

In the previous life, Mo Xun hurt her deeply, so what about this life?
He dare not gamble!

"Past life,,,,"

Zhizhi's voice is magnetic and pleasant, and the entanglement between the two of them in the previous life is slowly unfolding in his mouth.

Too desolate God Realm.

As the Nine-Color Dragon Emperor, Long Yao is powerful, but she is still lonely in her heart.

On Nebula Island, the shower of petals from the Dragon Vine turned the entire island pink and purple.

Long Yao slid across the ground in a floor-sweeping purple robe.

A tall golden crown sets off her beautiful face.

The long and narrow phoenix pupils were cold and ruthless, and the unsmiling appearance made people dare not look directly at them.

She stood under the dragon vine tree with a worried expression.

The delicate eyebrows were raised because of her thoughts.

"It's so boring here! Do you want to go out for a walk?"

As soon as Long Yao opened her mouth, the majesty she had just now was gone, and she looked like a child who couldn't grow up.

Long Yao's desire to go out and play is just around the corner.

If she wanted to go out and play, she couldn't wait for a moment, so Long Yao lay down on the trunk of the dragon vine tree with a guilty conscience, tilted her head and glanced quietly into the distance.

After feeling it, I found that several of my subordinates were not on the island.

"Hey! I'm not here! Then I'll go out and play!"

Long Yao blinked and disappeared on the island.

Outside Nebula Island is a dazzling world of flowers and flowers.

Long Yao came out of the Taihuang God Realm and pretended to be a man, playing around.

After playing enough in the God Realm outside, I went to play in the human world.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and the prosperity is fleeting.

Long Yao was so happy to play outside.

Having played enough, Long Yao returned to the God Realm.

Originally planning to return to the Taihuang God Realm, after thinking about it, he turned a corner and ran to the God Realm Tiangong.

The Taihuang God Realm is not the same place as the God Realm outside.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Generals of the Heavenly Palace saw that someone forced their way into the Heavenly Palace, and tried their best to stop them.

"Hmph! I'm just curious about your Heavenly Palace, why don't you let me in?"

Long Yao is like a playboy who doesn't know much about the world.

Speaking of it, Long Yao really didn't understand the intrigues of the outside world at that time.

She was born in the Great Desolation God Realm, and also grew up in the Great Desolation God Realm.

Since birth, he has mastered the path of ascension to the gods of the ten directions of the gods.

Who wouldn't give her face among the gods of the Ten Directions God Realm?

That is to say, these little guys don't know the Nine Color Dragon Emperor himself.

So if you see someone breaking into the palace, what is your duty, you must interrogate and intercept it.

(End of this chapter)

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