After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 250 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 250 Memories
The God Realm other than the Taihuang God Realm is called the Ten Directions God Realm.

They are the first level of the Heavenly God Realm, the second level of the Heavenly God Realm, and so on.

Long Yao broke into the shrine of the ten heavens this time.

Long Yao heard that the God Sovereign of the Ten Heavens is very mysterious.

She hadn't seen it with her own eyes, so she wanted to see it.

It is said that the gods of the ten heavens abolished the previous gods by virtue of their own strength, and sat on the throne of the gods of the ten heavens.

It is said that he is tyrannical in strength, beautiful in appearance, and has conquered the ghost world and the underworld, and is honored as the great king of the three realms.

Long Yao had long wanted to fight him.

But the leech and the others watched her closely, and rarely let her out of Xingyun Island.

This time it's hard to come out this time, no matter what she has to fight with him before going back.

"This is not a place where you and other little gods can come! Leave quickly!"

Heavenly Soldiers and Generals ignored Long Yao.

"Hey! Didn't your god tell you who Lao Tzu is?"

Long Yao pointed to her nose and was short of breath.

Although she hasn't seen this new emperor, they should have seen her Nine Color Dragon Emperor, right?

He even got shut down here?
"The god said that no matter who it is, they are not allowed to enter the Heavenly Palace unless they have the token of the god."

Heavenly Soldiers do business.

"I want to break in! What can you do?"

Long Yao went all the way through thorns and thorns, treating the heavenly soldiers as sandbags.

All the heavenly soldiers were bruised and swollen from the beating by Long Yao, and they were all thrown out of the heavenly palace.

When I arrived at the place where the god lived, I found no one there.

"The furnishings here are really luxurious!"

"Is this worth a lot of money?" Long Yao looked around in the shrine.

Just didn't see anyone.

"Where are people!" Long Yao rushed in the heavenly palace, but she didn't see the shadow of the god.

Long Yao was running out of the Tiangong, flying in the air, and suddenly saw a pink peach forest.

Long Yao has always had no resistance to pink things.

He flew down and got into the peach forest.

"It's beautiful here!" Long Yao leisurely walked in the peach forest.

The peach trees are all gold and jade flat peach trees, some are still peach blossoms, and some trees have already produced fruit.

Long Yao plucked a fruit and gnawed on it, walking in the peach forest.

Mo Xun, who was repairing his injuries, opened his eyes abruptly. Why did outsiders enter this peach forest?
Feeling it with the divine sense, the person who came was actually a little girl.

"Hey! There is someone here!"

Long Yao felt Li Mo Xun's breath, and appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Mo Xun was taken aback for a moment, in front of him was a juvenile enlarged version of his handsome face.

A sweet milky scent rushed into his nostrils.

"Who are you?" Mo Xun's voice was cold, and the cold light in his eyes flickered away.

Long Yao blinked her big eyes, and saw that the man in front of her was drooling from the corner of his mouth.

"You look so beautiful! Who are you?"

Long Yao felt that the man in front of her was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.

Suddenly, my heart beat uncontrollably.

She didn't think she hated the man in front of her.

"Girl please respect yourself!" Mo Xun took a step back, away from Long Yao.

Not long after Mo Xun became a god, he had never seen Long Yao's true appearance.

Now that the Nine-Colored Dragon Emperor is close at hand, Mo Xun doesn't even know her.

"Why should I respect myself? You look so good-looking. Come home with me, okay? I will support you!"

When Long Yao sees something beautiful, she always wants to put him by her side.

Many animals, flowers and plants on Xingyun Island, as well as her subordinates, are all beautiful.

The human being in front of her was the most beautiful she had ever seen, so she wanted to hide him.

"Girl! I have never met you before."

Mo Xun's face was expressionless, always as cold as ice.

The more he looks like this, the more Long Yao is interested in him.

(End of this chapter)

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