After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 253 Chapter Remembrance 4

Chapter 253 Memories 4
The ultimate move in Bai Minglan's hand rushed towards Longyao without hesitation.

This woman is so close to the god, damn it!
Long Yao stepped back to avoid the fatal move.

Bai Minglan came to Mo Xun's side in the spare time, and just as her trembling hands were about to caress his handsome face, she was severely whipped on the back.

hiss! "You? Ahhh!"

Bai Minglan couldn't dodge in time, and received several whips on her body.

The snow-white clothes were instantly stained red with blood.

"You are not allowed to touch him! Now he is mine!"

Long Yao was playing with the blood-red long whip in her hand, acting like a fool.

"You are shameless! How can you blaspheme a god!"

Bai Minglan's move is fatal, and she will definitely take Long Yao's life.

Bang bang bang!
The spiritual power collided and exploded, and the peach blossoms in Taoyuan turned to ashes one after another.

The two fought fiercely, Long Yao threw out the long whip, and the tail of the whip wrapped around Bai Minglan's neck.

As long as she pushes hard, the head of the woman in front of her will move.

"Stop!" Mo Xun was awakened by the air current, and what he saw was Long Yao who was about to kill someone.

Sure enough, the rumors were true, the Dragon Emperor killed people like hemp.

Mo Xun stood in front of Bai Minglan and cut off Long Yao's whip with his hand.

Long Yao staggered, looking at Mo Xun in disbelief.

This guy actually protected that woman.

Long Yao was very angry, "You are all mine, and you still protect this woman? I want to kill her!"

Long Yao's eyes are red, it is absolutely unbearable for her things to be coveted by others!
crackle!The long whip mixed with the fierce wind rushed towards Bai Minglan.

Mo Xun waved his hand, Gang Feng was scattered by him.

puff!Mo Xun couldn't hold back the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth were forced to bleed.

"You!" Long Yao's pretty face seemed to be covered with rouge.

Long Yao was angry, "I'm protecting her even when I'm hurt! You fool!"

Long Yao was so angry that she didn't want to talk to him.

Mo Xun vomited blood, and the blood clogged in his heart was spat out.

The wound on his body has healed up by half.

If he didn't do it, he knew it was because of Long Yao.

I am still grateful to her.

cough cough!Mo Xun coughed twice and swayed a bit.

"Shenjun!" Bai Minglan supported Mo Xun and looked at him anxiously.

Like a cat that has stepped on its tail, Mo Xun dodged Bai Minglan.

"Princess Bai respects herself! You shouldn't be here!"

Mo Xun felt that he was about to get pimples all over again.

Suddenly looked in the direction of Long Yao in disbelief, why is the Dragon Emperor also a woman, and there are no lumps on her body when she approaches him?

"God forgive me! It's the father who wants to invite the god to have a party, and specially ordered Lan'er to come here for a walk."

"But I didn't expect that this person would steal flat peaches here, and even eat the exquisite chickens carefully fed by the gods."

Bai Minglan's eyes were filled with autumn water, but her heart was full of resentment.

Let the gods punish her for her sins.

Mo Xun took a look at his peach forest, and it was already in chaos.

I saw the chicken bones on the ground again.

With a twitch at the corner of his mouth, the chicken he managed to raise is gone?

Looking at Long Yao with an innocent face, he actually felt amused in his heart.

Dragon Emperor is wayward, but also has a cute side.

"Princess Bai must not be rude! The one standing in front of you is the Dragon Emperor."

Mo Xun's face was as cold as ice, and he looked a little displeased.

Bai Minglan's face froze, Dragon Emperor?

Is it the Dragon Emperor she knows?

Bai Minglan didn't show it on her face, but the hatred in her heart was overwhelming.

Finally let her meet the Dragon Emperor. If it wasn't for her, why would her road to becoming a god be so tortuous?

Bai Minglan is just the body of a fairy now, no matter how she walks up the ladder of becoming a god, she can't pass that level.

(End of this chapter)

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