After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 254 Chapter Remembrance 5

Chapter 254 Memories 5
Bai Minglan was unwilling, if her father didn't love her so much and gave her many treasures for self-defense, she would have lost her soul when she walked up the ladder of godhood.

Now she is still staying here, all relying on her treasures.

When her two elder brothers walked up the ladder of becoming a god, they had long been wiped out.

How could she not hate seeing the Dragon Emperor now!

It's not just that she hates the Dragon Emperor, maybe all the big families in the Ten Directions God Realm hate the Dragon Emperor, right?
But he is not her opponent yet, and now he can only hold back this tone.

With a smile all over his face, he said: "Xiaoxian has met the Dragon Emperor, but I didn't know the identity of the Dragon Emperor just now, please forgive me."

Long Yao raised her eyebrows slightly, she can bend and stretch!

It really is a little white flower that is difficult to deal with.

"No! Mo Xun, will you follow me?"

"Don't you want to enter the Great Desolation God Realm?"

Long Yao had no intention of talking to Bai Minglan, she just looked at Mo Xun.

Bai Minglan's eyes lit up when she heard about Taihuang God Realm.

Mo Xun had a headache, even if the injury was cured by her, it was not a reason for her to sell herself.

"The Dragon Emperor respects himself, I will not go with you!"

"The God Realm of Taihuang is the place where everyone dreams of going. I will enter Taihuang by my own ability, so I don't need to worry about the Dragon King."

Mo Xun's dream has always been to one day be able to enter the Realm of the Wild Gods.

There is a shortcut in front of him, but he doesn't want to be said that he got in by relying on women.

Mo Xun was cold-hearted, and he couldn't dodge women.

Being targeted by Long Yao now made him a little at a loss.

He doesn't know how to get along with a woman.

What's more, the woman in front of me is the Dragon Emperor, an existence that gods like them should respect.

Who dares to approach the Dragon Emperor?
The Dragon Emperor is also a person who is hated by the gods all over the world.

If he hadn't seen the Dragon Emperor with his own eyes today, he might have felt that the Dragon Emperor was arrogant and arrogant, and he deserved to be hated by the whole world.

The Dragon Emperor I saw today was not as unbearable as rumored by the outside world.

It seems that someone deliberately distorted the facts.

At this moment, Mo Xun actually changed his view of Long Yao.

"You won't come with me, will you? I will take you away!"'

Long Yao wanted to take Mo Xun away.

"Master, who do you want to take with you?"

The slightly smiling voice came from far and near.

Long Yao's face froze, and she hid behind Mo Xun all of a sudden. '

Mo Xun smelled a scent of milk and froze, not daring to move.

Seven beautiful men in white clothes descended from the sky.

Li Zhi and the others were dressed in white, looking at Long Yao with a smile on their lips.

Long Yao, who was hiding behind Mo Xun, showed a small head and blinked her big eyes.

"Hey! How did you find me?"

Seeing that she couldn't hide, Long Yao came out as if nothing happened.

Xiang Liu stretched out his hand to pull Long Yao, and said with a half-smile: "Master, have you been out for so long?"

The corners of Long Yao's mouth twitched when she saw his smiling face, she was so good-looking, but her heart was dark.

"Ahem! I haven't had enough fun yet." Long Yao said confidently.

The corner of Zhizhi's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Mo Xun.

"Master, let's go back! Shenjun still has a lot to do, you can't take him back."

The leech knew that it was her hobby of collecting things when she saw a beautiful human being.

But they didn't expect it to be different this time.

"No! I must take him back, he is so beautiful!"

Long Yao grabbed Mo Xun's arm to prevent him from leaving.

Mo Xun originally wanted to pull out his arm, but she was surprisingly strong.

"Dragon Emperor, I've made it very clear, I'm leaving!"

Mo Xun finally withdrew his arm and disappeared into the Taolin in the blink of an eye.

Bai Minglan gave Long Yao a hard look, and chased after Mo Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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