After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 255 Chapter Remembrance 6

Chapter 255 Memories 6
Long Yao looked at the person running away, pinched her waist angrily and shouted, "You can't run away! If you want to run out of my palm, there is no door!"

Mo Xun's flying figure staggered and almost fell from the air.

This Dragon Emperor is too difficult to deal with.

"It's all of you! That good-looking human ran away! Hmph!"

Long Yao blinked and disappeared into Taolin.

The seven of them looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads, "Master, the child has broken his temper again, let's chase after him quickly! Otherwise, he will run away again."

The rest of the people were amused but also helpless.

Their master is a child at heart, and they can only pamper them.

Long Yao returned to Xingyun Island, and then planted peach trees from Taolin on Xingyun Island.

Seeing that Xingyun Island was full of peach trees, Long Yao was extremely happy all day long.

From my favorite dragon vine to my favorite peach blossom.

Gingzhi and the others didn't notice that something was wrong with Long Yao, they only thought that her liking for peach blossoms was only temporary.

What happened next caught them all by surprise.

Long Yao always sneaks out of Xingyun Island, and every time she goes to the Heavenly Palace of the Ten Heavens to make a big fuss.

Those subordinates who were looking for Mo Xun to fight.

It was to let Mo Xun go back to Xingyun Island with her.

"Report to God, the Dragon Emperor ate your exquisite chicken again."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched to report.

This Dragon Emperor is too self-willed, knowing that the Linglong chicken is useful for the gods to raise up, every time she raises it, she comes to roast and eat it.

The Linglong chicken is the primer for treating their master's injury!
Ling Feng no longer knew how to complain about the Dragon Emperor.

He didn't dare to stop the Dragon Emperor.

Thinking about being beaten by the Dragon Emperor and not getting out of bed for a year, he shivered.

Mo Xun was drawing something on the desk, but he was speechless when he heard his subordinate's report.

The hand holding the brush paused, and said lightly: "Let her be happy!"

"Yes!" Ling Feng stepped back unwillingly.

Mo Xun put down the brush, pinched his brows with a headache.

He had to find a way to get rid of the dragon emperor's entanglement.

Long Yao had had enough trouble in the tenth heaven, so she went to the rest of the God Realm to start trouble.

Originally, it had a bad reputation, but now it directly aroused public outrage.

All the immortals chased Long Yao to the Ten Heavens.

In order to save Longyao, Zhizhi and others often fought with those gods.

Finally, as a last resort, Mo Xun came forward to guarantee that Long Yao would not go to the other gods to make trouble, and the rest of the gods stopped.

The Tenth Heaven is the God Realm closest to the Taihuang God Realm, no one can go to the God Realm below the Tenth Heaven without the warrant of the Tenth Heaven God Lord.

Therefore, in order to prevent Long Yao from going down, Mo Xun closed the passage from the Ten Heavens to the lower realm.

"Mo Xun, what do you mean? Why can't I go to the lower realm?"

Angrily, Long Yao rushed into Mo Xun's peach forest.

If she hadn't had to go through his passage to go to the lower realm, why was she so aggrieved!

If you want to tear through the void and go to the lower realm, it will consume too much spiritual power, which is not worth the candle.

She just went to play and fight with those gods, there is no need to tear the void.

Otherwise, old man Tiandao will talk about her again.

Mo Xun woke up from the meditation, and said in a calm voice, "Don't be self-willed, Dragon Emperor, the entire God Realm has been disturbed by you and there is no peace, you should go back!"

There was impatience in Mo Xun's voice.

Long Yao gnawed at the peach and didn't care, let her go back?She won't go back!
"It's fine if you want me to go back! If you go back with me, I won't make trouble."

Long Yao's big eyes rolled, and the bad idea came to him.

Mo Xun was furious, why is this Dragon Emperor so stubborn?

"I told you that I won't go back with you."

Mo Xun still gave the same answer as before.

(End of this chapter)

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