Chapter 266 Eating
The place to eat is in the banquet hall of Wanjie Pawnshop, because there are too many people, it can only be arranged in a spacious place.

The reason why the pawnshop has prepared a banquet hall is just in case there is any large banquet.

"It's so nice here!"

"That's right! It's much more comfortable than those high-end banquet halls!"

"Girl! Isn't your banquet hall too luxurious?"

Several old men walked into the banquet hall and were shocked by the furnishings and decorations here.

In the simple and elegant banquet hall, the bright lights are replaced by luminous pearls and white crystals.

Unobtrusive and dignified.

A dining table more than ten meters long is displayed in the center of the banquet hall.

It is filled with delicious dishes, and each crystal bottle is filled with colorful drinks.

The white jade jar next to it contains mellow fine wine.

"What kind of drinks are these? I want to take a sip just looking at them."

Tang Wanru supported her husband, and liked everything here.

Looking at those brightly colored drinks, I think they taste good.

"Don't we know if it's good or not if we taste it later?"

Ling Xiangwei also helped her husband and walked over.

"Gentlemen, let's all take our seats!"

Long Yao called everyone to sit down.

"Okay! Let's get seated quickly."

"Ouch! I can't wait now!"

Mo Tianxiang sat down with Mo Xun's support.

"Grandpa, these are wines I made myself, and those are spirit juices, you can drink them as much as you like."

Long Yao sat down next to Mo Xun.

"Okay! Then we're not going to be polite!"

Mo Tianxiang sat down with a smile.

"Oh! It's delicious! Girl, where did you find the chef who cooks here? Isn't this too delicious?"

Mo Tianxiang never stopped eating.

The rest of the old men did not give up.

Even those few rich and noble ladies don't care about their image or lose weight.

It's still important to eat.

"Not a chef, just a country peasant woman."

Long Yao took Li Cuilan, her child and her mother-in-law to Peach Blossom Island.

Da Ya and her grandma also picked it up.

Li Cuilan is in charge of the kitchen of Wanjie Pawnshop, and Mrs. Song and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Jiang, help her manage the kitchen.

Han Xiaoliu and his family were also taken to this island to manage the vegetables in the field.

Han Xiaoliu's wife has also recovered from her illness, no different from ordinary people.

It's just that she doesn't want to mention the previous memories.

The husband and wife manage the vegetables in the field with their children, and are very satisfied with their current life.

Long Yao also took over Liu Kuan and Wang Tong, who lived by the sea.

Their two sons also followed to the island, and the family is responsible for fishing on the island.

There are too many fish around Peach Blossom Island, and the quality of the meat is not bad. If you store more fish, you can sell them outside.

The villagers of Daliu Village and Dahanzhuang Village not only grow medicinal materials, but also grow vegetables, which are specially supplied to Peach Blossom Island.

The herb of blood droplet is so worry-free, and the villagers have a lot of time to do other things.

No, in addition to planting herbs, they also plant a large number of vegetables to supply Peach Blossom Island.

Only then did the entire island enter the normal state.

"A village woman cooks so delicious food?"

Tang Wanru couldn't believe it.

She thought that the village women were careless and always playful.

The dishes on the table today changed her greatly.

The dishes are not only exquisite, but also full of color, fragrance and taste.

Those world famous chefs are not necessarily comparable.

(End of this chapter)

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