Chapter 267
"Aunt Cuilan's craftsmanship is not built!"

Lu Shang raised his head from the table and said.

Tang Wanru rolled her eyes, "Is it because your mother's cooking is not delicious?"

Lu Shang and his father looked at each other, buried their heads in eating and didn't speak any more.

Your old cooking is really bad.

There was a lot of fun at the dinner table, and no one cared to talk too much while eating.

In the afternoon, Long Yao took a group of people to the school.

Mo Zhenting was flying the aircraft under his feet, he was envious and jealous!
The two of them, with a flying machine, flew behind Longyao to the school about [-] meters high.

The aircraft was also made by Longyao, and at first glance it looks like a flying saucer UFO.

As long as people stand on it, their feet will be tightly sucked, and it is very safe and secure to stand on it.

An aircraft can only ride two people, click the place you want to go on the map of the aircraft, and the aircraft will take you there.

This craft can only be used on islands.

If someone wants to ride an aircraft to go outside the island, the aircraft cannot go out of the island.

Here on Peach Blossom Island, it is a place where the ancient times and the technological age are combined.

The quaint island with high technology does not appear obtrusive.

"Girl, can this thing supply military supplies?"

Mo Zhenting approached Long Yao and said.

If this can be used in the warband, his warband will be even more powerful.

Long Yao is funny, this Uncle Mo has been working for the battle group all his life.

Mo Xun rolled his eyes, "Dad, I have already said that the establishment of this island is good for your battle group."

Mo Zhenting gave his son a blank look, "Why don't you just ask the girl."

"Uncle Mo, this item is very expensive, are you sure you want to buy it?"

Long Yao asked with a smile.

When Mo Zhenting heard it, he said, "How expensive? Let's discuss the price, you have to let me afford it."

There must be many good things in this Peach Blossom Island in the future, and he also has to consider the issue of funding.

Long Yao laughed, "Uncle Mo, the aircraft itself is not expensive, but the driving things are expensive."

To drive the aircraft to fly, the core is the driving energy, which must be driven by Amethyst coins.

The driving energy is refined from spirit stones, which are not available in this continent.

The spirit stones on her nebula island have been flooded, and it will be no problem to consume them for thousands of years.

It is impossible to find Lingshi in this interface.

"Huh? How expensive?"

Mo Zhenting's heart hurts a little.

"Selling it to Uncle Mo counts as 2000 million driving energy for you."

A spirit stone the size of a fist can only refine one driving energy, and the price of a spirit stone is more than that.

Mo Zhenting's heart trembled, so expensive? "How much, how much? How long will it last?"

2000 million energy sources!

In case the energy is lost after flying around, this thing is very valuable!
Long Yao burst out laughing, "Uncle Mo, what I gave you is a familiar price, one energy can last for five years, do you think it's worth it?"

cough cough!Of course, the amethyst coin is the biggest consumable.

Amethyst coins, she can make another fortune.

Mo Zhenting was stunned, is the energy useful for so long?
"Really?" Mo Zhenting thought he was hallucinating.

If one energy source can be used for five years, his 2000 million is worth it.

"Uncle Mo, can I still lie to you!"

Long Yao controlled the aircraft and flew to the gate of the school first.

"Girl, bring me twenty flying machines!"

Mo Zhenting yelped, causing Dai Hu to stagger in fright.

When had their captain been so excited?

Everyone commented on this aircraft again.

Especially Ming Hongnan is most interested in these high-tech things.

Speaking of which, these things are not purely high-tech at all.

If Long Yao hadn't said that these things were not going to be sold, Ming Hongnan would have planned to sell them on consignment!

(End of this chapter)

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