Chapter 284 The Land of Trials
The big blue screen in the office clearly shows the performance of the people in the trial place.

"Your method is really practical." Ren Daoyuan looked at the people inside, as if he saw all kinds of life.

The people inside have experienced everything.

Some people are kind-hearted and passed the task.

They will get the same points as Qin Ying and the other two.

Some people have a dark mind, but they are directly sent out of the illusion gate.

The people who were sent out of the illusion gate all woke up like a dream.

Knowing that he failed the test, he could only leave dejectedly.

Long Yao smiled and said: "It's a real world in here, they will experience all kinds of life, and those who stay, it's like going through the past and present, and they will have a better understanding of their future life. planning."

This trial illusion is called "One Dream, This Life". The people outside are just sleeping for a while, but the people inside will experience their whole life.

Long Yao hoped that they would have different choices about their lives after they came out of the illusion.

"Good! This thing not only exercises the body but also the heart."

Ren Daoyuan admired these gods a little bit.

The life of the gods is indeed beyond the comprehension of mortals like them.

A lifetime can be lived in just two hours.

Ren Daoyuan is also a little worried, they are an ordinary world here.

There are more gods, and what about them mortals?
Long Yao knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Uncle Ren, not everyone likes worldly things, a peaceful and harmonious world is also what I want to see."

Ren Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief, since she said this, it meant that she would not interfere with the rules of this world.

"I believe you."

Ren Daoyuan also knew that he was a villain, but he had to guard against it.

"I understand your concerns! We people never pay attention to secular disputes."

What Long Yao said is the truth, practitioners will not interfere with their rules.

Just like the change of dynasties in the past, Long Yao stood on the sidelines.

Even if the people in war are struggling to make ends meet, at most she will go out to help the people, but she will not stop the war from happening.

This is the result of the replacement and progress of human reproduction.

"It is said that the gods are pure in heart and desires, and the six roots are pure. This is not true! You are still a little money fan!"

Ren Daoyuan teases Long Yao.

Long Yao is not ashamed but proud, "What's wrong with being a money fan? Of course my money is useful."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it." Ren Daoyuan also likes her temper.

There are less than a thousand people left in the Land of Trials.

The first batch of trials was over, and there were less than a hundred people left.

Among them, Qin Ying and Wanyan Su were impressively listed.

Standing on the square in front of the school, everyone was already very tired.

They all lay on the ground looking into the sky, recalling their life inside, it was filled with emotion.

"Not bad! There are still a few left."

Dafeng walked over leisurely.

The folding fan in his hand is shaking gently, and he is dressed in white clothes with gentle and elegant style.

The two dragon beard bangs on the forehead were gently fanned by the folding fan.

The smile on his face was not so sincere.

The seven of them are only sincere when they laugh in front of Long Yao.

"It's your good fortune that you can pass the trial. Go back and clean up. Get ready for school tomorrow."

Dafeng said a few simple words, turned around and went back to the academy.

Qin Ying got up from the ground and reached out to pull Wanyan Su up.

Carefully measure the square in front of the school, the scenery here is also picturesque.

(End of this chapter)

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