Chapter 285 Trial passed
At this time Chihe came over again and shot the person lying on the ground.

"Now start to arrange the dormitory. Those who choose a dormitory for four people don't need to spend money. The monthly accommodation fee for those who choose a small courtyard is two amethyst coins. If you make your own choice, go there to register."

When Qin Ying heard that there was a separate small courtyard?
This is really fresh.

"Brother, do you really have a small courtyard to live in?"

Qin Ying asked again uncertainly.

Chihe nodded, "Yes."

The corner of Qin Ying's mouth twitched, are all the big brothers here so cold?

You can't even say a word!
"Then can I share a small courtyard with my friend?"

Qin Ying knew that Wanyan Su's mother was also here, so she definitely couldn't live in the four-person dormitory.

"Whatever you want, the small courtyard only has two bedrooms, you can figure it out."

"Even if there are not many small courtyards, first come, first served."

Chi He originally counted the number of small courtyards, but there were only a hundred small courtyards.

"Okay! It's fine if you can rent together!"

Qin Ying ran to Wanyan Su's side and pulled him over.

Wanyan Su originally wanted to live in a four-person dormitory, but was dragged away before she signed up.

"I want to sign up! Why are you dragging me?"

Wanyan Su didn't know why.

"Let's live in the small courtyard together."

Qin Ying had already planned that the two of them could work together to earn accommodation fees.

"Let's forget it, two amethyst coins!"

Wanyansu asked about the exchange ratio of Amethyst coins, 1000 yuan can be exchanged for one.

Qin Ying said nonchalantly: "We share the rent equally, you can't let your mother live outside, can you?"

"Staying in a hotel outside is not an option either! The cheapest rent costs two silver coins a night."

The conversion of two silver coins into RMB costs more than 200 yuan!
Wanyan Su thinks about it too, the school doesn't stipulate that he can't bring his mother to school, which is already very good.

If my mother lives under the mountain, it is really inconvenient to take care of her.

"That's fine! Let's rent a small courtyard together."

This is the most reasonable arrangement.

"Okay! I heard that there is a work-study program in the school, and we can also work to earn money!"

Qin Ying could guess that he went to the Military Academy, and his family would definitely cut off his money if they found out.

If he wants to go to school, he has to work to earn money by himself.

"Really? Then I can earn money to pay the rent."

Wanyan Su originally planned to take time off to work.

"That's it! Let's go down the mountain and pick up Auntie."

Qin Ying made a final decision.

He also happened to go down the mountain to dismiss his bodyguards.

"it is good!"

Wanyan Su smiled gratefully.

The two rode the aircraft and soon reached the foot of the mountain.

Wen Biyu is helping Gao Lan pick vegetables and plans to make dinner.

In one afternoon, Wen Biyu fell in love with everything here.

I don't know if her son can stay here?

"Mother! I'm back!"

"Auntie, thank you for taking care of my mother."

When Wanyansu got off the aircraft, he saw his mother sitting in a wheelchair talking and laughing with a woman.

"Why are you being polite? Have you finished your trials?"

Gao Lan asked curiously.

A lot of people left Peach Blossom Island just now.

There are also some who want to take another look at this place, so they live in those guest rooms and haven't left yet.

"The trial is over! Mother, I passed! I can go to school here!"

Wanyan Su smiled and threw herself in front of her mother.

"Really! That's really great! Big sister, your son is really promising!"

Gao Lan smiled happily from the sidelines.

Wen Biyu didn't expect her son to pass the test, and was so happy that she couldn't speak for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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