Chapter 302 Enthroned
Fan Yun became emperor in just a few days.

The enthronement ceremony was hasty but not easy.

Until he sat on the dragon chair, Fan Yun still felt that he was dreaming.

The ministers supporting Fan Yun gathered in the Qinzheng Hall, and the courtiers dared not breathe too loudly in the majestic hall.

"I just ascended the throne today, and amnesty the world!"

"Nowadays there is a severe drought in the world and the people are struggling to survive. Open warehouses to release food to the victims!"

Fan Yun was dressed in a dragon robe, majestic and commanding, causing the entire court and court ministers to shout long live.

After retreating, Fan Yun trotted all the way to the apse.

Seeing Long Yao, he saluted respectfully, "Master Long, thank you for your help."

If it weren't for Long Yao's secret support, it would be impossible for him to become emperor in just a few days.

Fan Yun was grateful to her.

Only when he becomes the emperor can the grievances of his mother and concubine be cleared up.

Only when he becomes the emperor can he find out the truth about his mother and concubine being wronged.

He was trapped in the imperial mausoleum all these years and couldn't leave a single step. After many years of searching, there was still no clue.

Now that he can soar into the sky and ascend the throne as the emperor, he is inseparable from the person in front of him.

"You don't have to thank me, I have selfish intentions too! Now that you are all in your positions, I should leave."

Long Yao blinked and disappeared into the apse.

Fan Yun wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, "Fortunately, I still have a kind heart."

The coercion that had been oppressing the depths of his soul just now dissipated, and Fan Yun felt that he had just come back to life.

When Long Yao went to see Fan Yun, it was because of his kindness that he helped him become emperor.

Otherwise, Long Yao would not support him.

Long Yao returned to Jiutian's home, and what was waiting for her was another big gift from Jiutian's family.

"Lord Long, I will listen to Xiaoxue's words and withdraw from the court, and only enjoy the meritorious salary for generations. Thank you for your support!"

Jiutian Ruchuan saluted Long Yao respectfully.

Long Yao accepted his gift with peace of mind, "Since you have plans, I won't stay any longer, and I will leave tomorrow."

Dragon Ball is still waiting for her to get it back.

"Since it is inconvenient for adults to stay, I will send you away."

Jiutian Rukawa naturally understood what she meant.

The next day.

Before dawn, a luxurious carriage in Jiutian Mansion slowly drove out from the main entrance.

Long Yao sat in the carriage and closed her eyes to rest.

Zhu Meng also nestled quietly in her arms and slept with snot bubbles.

Jiu Tianxue held his long knife on his chest, and looked at Long Yao from time to time.

Is Master Long really leaving?

Long Yao could go get the dragon ball by herself and leave, but if things here don't change, she won't be able to go back even if she gets the dragon ball.

When she saw the mission roll in her hand, she was almost so angry that she didn't go berserk.

She just fell asleep in the pawn shop, and when she woke up, she had a golden mission scroll in her hand.

There is also the exclusive mark of heaven on it.

She now finally understands why her dragon balls are scattered everywhere.

It was because she killed too much when she was the Dragon Emperor, and let her experience the pain of reincarnation.

At that time, she wanted to scold someone!

It must be that these remote places are places that God has no time to take care of, and let her run errands for him!

Thinking of this, Long Yao felt depressed for a while.

When he goes back, he must settle accounts with that old man!
Does she still need to do seven missions to open the passage to the God Realm?
In this case, she will make a quick decision!

That's why she abolished the emperor from the beginning.

If you want peace in the world here, it will be the easiest way to change the emperor!

The carriage traveled for more than a month before reaching Longji Mountain.

Along the way, Long Yao saw the warmth and coldness of people, and her lips were dead and her teeth were cold.

It's all the fault of my dragon ball!

(End of this chapter)

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