Chapter 303 Longji Mountain

After getting off the carriage, Longyao hadn't reached half of Longji Mountain. She wanted to try to see if she could use her spiritual sense, but she got a headache and drenched her back with cold sweat.

Long Yao's head throbbed with pain.

Divine consciousness seems to be useless!
"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Meng was the first to discover her strangeness.

Long Yao shook her head, "I'm fine!"

Turning around to Jiutianxue, he said, "It's not suitable for you to go in here! Go back! Let's just go in by ourselves."

The resistance here seems to have increased, and mortals will be crushed into powder when they enter.

"No! Master Long, I don't worry about you going in by yourself."

Jiu Tianxue insisted on sending Long Yao to the rift valley.

Long Yao shook her head, "You listen to me and go back quickly! Come find me when everything is calm here!"

"But?" Jiu Tianxue wanted to say something more, but Long Yao's figure had disappeared.

Long Yao reappeared next to a barrier.

If it is an ordinary person, I really can't see that this is a layer of enchantment.

It just feels like a bottomless chasm.

"Is this what Jiutianxue said?"

As long as you pass through this enchantment, there should be another world inside.

Zhu Meng was scurrying back and forth in front of the barrier, coming out and going in and out, seeing Long Yao feel depressed for a while.

"Zhumeng, why don't you help me get the dragon balls, so I won't be dazzled by wandering around!"

Long Yao is jealous of it!

This guy actually ignored the enchantment, she was really mad at her!

"No! I still want my own life!"

"I was transformed into such a small appearance by you, and I haven't been slapped to death by those guardian beasts?"

According to common sense, there are guardian beasts around the treasures.

This dragon ball is the dragon ball of the Dragon Emperor, so there must be a guardian beast.

Long Yao folded her arms around her chest, raised her eyebrows slightly, "Then have you seen what it looks like inside?"

Zhu Meng ran out of the barrier again, "It's still a forest inside! It's more lush than outside."

It has been three years of severe drought outside, and the road is covered with dry grass.

Even if there is a forest, the trees are not very lush, and all the leaves are drooping and wilting.

The lush growth here means that there is no shortage of water inside.

Right!With her black dragon ball, there is definitely no shortage of water.

"Okay! Let me see how to open this enchantment."

Long Yao stroked her chin and walked around the barrier.

Zhumeng seems to be addicted to playing, playing around the enchantment, passing through it.

Long Yao didn't bother to pay attention to it, this guy just wanted to anger her.

She stretched out her hand and slowly tested it, and the barrier immediately bounced her hand back.

Long Yao's hands turned into dragon claws with spiritual power attached, and she tore off the barrier forcefully.

"Hey! Do you think it's a rag?"

Before Zhumeng's words fell, its eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

The enchantment was really torn open like a rag.

"What's the situation? Is this enchantment so useless?"

Zhumeng went back and forth in the enchantment several times.

Obviously there is an enchantment!
Long Yao's dragon claws were strangled with blood, dripping onto the barrier.

Only then did Zhumeng see clearly that it was not easy for her to open this enchantment.

"Zhumeng, wait for me inside!"

Long Yao was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and her claws were a little weak.

"Okay!" Zhu Meng quickly got into the barrier.

Long Yao gritted her teeth and blessed her hands with spiritual power, and exhausted all her strength, "Open!"

Bark!Like the sound of cloth being torn.

There was a big hole in the barrier that one person could pass through.

(End of this chapter)

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