Chapter 313 Origin
With the Taihuang God Realm, I don't know how many years passed, and finally the Shifang God Realm came into being.

This is why the gods of the Ten Directions God Realm yearn for the Taihuang God Realm.

In the God Realm of Taihuang, there are precious pills that are not available in the God Realm of the Ten Directions, and the treasures of heaven and earth used for cultivation.

There are also many alchemy masters that the Ten Directions God Realm longs for.

The Taihuang God Realm has always been in a state of seclusion, and no god knows where the Taihuang God Realm is located.

No one has really seen the appearance of Taihuang God Realm.

Only the Dragon Emperor is known to the world in the Taihuang God Realm.

She is not only the founder of Tianti Road, but also the guardian.

Back then, the Dragon Emperor couldn't control anyone and always came out to cause trouble. That's why the gods in the Ten Directions God Realm knew that the Dragon Emperor alone was an existence they couldn't afford to mess with, let alone the entire Taihuang God Realm.

Just because they know the power of the Taihuang God Realm, people outside will think that one day they will enter the Taihuang God Realm to have a look.

There are also a lot of gods who want to squeeze their heads to practice, hoping to be eligible to enter the realm of the wild gods.

The four of Suzaku and the others also had this plan back then, hoping that one day they would be eligible to go to the Realm of the Wild Gods.

Longyao didn't know what outsiders thought, but she learned from the narration of Lizhi and others that she, Longyao, was the emperor of the Taihuang God Realm.

"Dragon Emperor can't be reincarnated?" Long Yao glanced at Ye Yu.

Don't think she doesn't know, he is gloating.

"Yes! Is it because the Dragon Emperor is bored that he wants to experience the sufferings of the world?"

Seeing the sky getting dark, Ye Yu found an open space with a stream and prepared to rest here.

Long Yao waved and put the tables and chairs in the pawn shop on the grass.

Diao Erlang sat down, "Ye Yu, you are a gossip!"

Ye Yu waved his hand, and the dry branch next to him was in front of him, a spark popped out from his fingertip, and the dry branch instantly ignited.

Smiling and sitting on another chair, "I don't call it gossip, I'm just very curious why the Dragon King is so different from the rumored Dragon King."

Regardless of the bickering between the two, Zhu Meng fell asleep on a chair and snored for a moment.

"The Dragon Emperor has always been rumored by them to be a great figure, an insoluble evildoer, and a lover of killing, etc. Some distortions by outside rumors are inevitable!"

Looking at the crackling and burning fire, Long Yao fell into deep thought.

She is so majestic that she fell into reincarnation because of a man.

Did she really love that man so much in her previous life?

Or a man who looks exactly like An An?
Ye Yu was noncommittal, and said with a smile: "The rumors from the outside world are often untrustworthy. Before I met the Dragon King, I almost believed that the Dragon King is a person who likes to kill."

Long Yao picked up a glass of water and took a sip, "It's not wrong to say that I like killing. Do you think it's possible not to kill in such a God Realm?"

Thinking of the chaos in the God Realm, Ye Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart, "At that time, it was really necessary to end the war with war."

The God Realm that everyone longs for is not so peaceful.

There's even more clutter out there than these ordinary little interfaces.

Didn't the four of them fall apart because of the battle between gods and demons?

No one is in a position to judge whether someone's actions are right or wrong.

In the God Realm, no one has clean hands.

Ye Yu turned her head and looked at the heartless and beautiful woman who was eating and eating. Who would have thought that such a harmless woman would be the Dragon Emperor?
According to that legend, the Dragon Emperor who was feared in the entire God Realm turned out to be a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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