Chapter 314 Night
Ye Yu shook his head and let out a low laugh, he had always thought that the Dragon Emperor was a man before.

Seeing the real person now made him look sideways.

He didn't speak any more, and picked up the food on the table to eat.

He hasn't eaten for a long time.

The two and the beast sat quietly by the fire.

The night sky is covered with dots of stars, and the crooked moon is bright and bright.

There are occasional calls of crickets in the woods, a breeze blows, and groups of fireflies fly in the grass.

Fireflies illuminate the grass by the river like little lanterns.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Ye Yu's lips slightly raised, and when she turned her head, she saw Long Yao who was sleeping soundly.

Long Yao was seriously injured, and after walking all this way, she was already exhausted.

After taking a pill, he lay down on the chair and fell into a deep sleep.

"You really have a big heart." Ye Yu didn't understand, could such a simple little girl really be that powerful Dragon Emperor?
She had no defense against him at all.

What if I go out and get scammed in the future?
Long Yao didn't care what Ye Yu was thinking, just lay on the chair and fell asleep.

Ye Yu also opened the chair, straightened the back of the chair, and turned it into a small reclining chair.

He leaned back and lay on it with his clothes on. He also needed a good rest.

Fireflies flew around the two of them, illuminating their flourishing beauty.

Everything is so quiet and beautiful.

In the early morning, the dew is harvested, and the air in the forest is still cool.

When Long Yao opened her eyes, she saw that she was covered with red clothes.

Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he saw Ye Yu holding his trousers and long sleeves, fishing in the river.

Zhu Meng flew back and forth in front of his eyes, muttering something.

"What are you doing?"

Long Yao's voice was as lazy as a kitten's.

Rubbing his eyes and stretching his waist.

There was a fish stuck in the bamboo pole in Ye Yu's hand, and the fish's tail was raised twice.

Hearing Long Yao's voice and turning around, he saw her sleepy eyes.

Puchi smiled, "Are you awake? I'll grill the fish later."

As he spoke, he shook the bamboo pole in his hand.

Long Yao nodded uninterestedly, and said in a lazy voice, "Okay! Is the fish you tested edible?"

Ye Yu raised her eyebrows, "Why can't you eat it? Although it's not as good as the food made by the spirit chefs in the God Realm, it's almost less."

Hearing what he said, Long Yao didn't dare to eat it.

"You better stop baking! I have something to eat here."

Long Yao waved, the table was full of steaming food.

Ye Yu couldn't care less about catching fish when she smelled the aroma of rice.

I didn't eat much before, but after eating the food Long Yao brought out last night, I actually had the urge to eat.

It was early in the morning to fish in the river.

"Yaoyao's food is really delicious."

Ye Yu picked up the food and began to gorge on it.

Long Yao ate elegantly, and rolled her eyes at him, "It seems like you haven't eaten before."

"I've eaten it before, and it's not as delicious as this one."

Ye Yu ate so much that his mouth was dripping with oil, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Zhu Meng also took a small spoon and ate voraciously.

The corners of Long Yao's eyes twitched at the sight of a man and a beast eating.

After eating a breakfast that you competed for, Long Yao planned to find a place to set up a pawn shop.

Long Yao can't use divine sense here, but Ye Yu can.

Long Yao followed Ye Yu in the woods all the way, and finally found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and fertile water and grass.

Longji Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, and the place they found happened to be in the central area of ​​Longji Mountain.

Not only are there no tall trees here, it is a plain after all.

(End of this chapter)

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