Chapter 315 Grassland
Here is like a big plain, the grassland is wide and boundless, and the stream meanders along the grassland.

Butterflies flutter over the clusters of wildflowers in the meadow.

There are groups of bison and sheep grazing on the grass in the distance.

Long Yao opened her arms and took a deep breath.

"It's really nice here!"

Long Yao ran into the flowers, startled the butterflies flying.

A group of beautiful butterflies danced around Long Yao.

A burst of silver bell-like laughter spread throughout the valley.

Ye Yu was standing not far from her with her hands behind her back, the woman in bright yellow clothes was overwhelming.

For example, Nightingale's laughter rushed into his heart. If such a simple Dragon Emperor were him, he would want to protect it with his life, let alone the seven fierce beasts beside her.

Long Yao had had enough of playing, and quickly pinched with her hands, pink peach blossom trees suddenly grew on the grass, occupying half of the grass in an instant.

In Long Yao's hands is a mini pawnshop of Ten Thousand Realms, "Go!"

The pawn shop grows bigger and bigger in the air.

boom!The height needed for the pawnshop to become Longyao falls to the ground.

The earth trembled.

A pawn shop suddenly appeared in the peach blossom forest.

From a distance, only the glazed tile dome of the pawnshop can be seen.

Here Longyao didn't plan to make it as complicated as Peach Blossom Island, but set up a gossip array of houses around the pawnshop.

Everything is almost exactly the same as Peach Blossom Island except that there is no school.

Ye Yu stood in front of the pawn shop and swallowed hard, is the Dragon Emperor so simple and rude?
A refiner is not a Chinese cabbage, and I have never heard that the Dragon Emperor is also a master refiner?
"Are you dumbfounded?" Long Yao landed next to him, and saw him stunned.

Ye Yu returned to God and said, "Yaoyao is still a craftsman?"

Long Yao clapped her hands and looked very satisfied with her arrangement, "I didn't know before, but the level of refining is not high now."

"Is this not high enough?" Ye Yu pointed at the five-story pawn shop in shock.

Long Yao nodded, "Yes! These are just ordinary things that can be refined easily, but I can't refine divine weapons."

Long Yao walked on the road to see what was missing, and could add it with a flick of the hand.

Looking at the pawn shop with more and more complete facilities, Ye Yu also opened his eyes.

It was that aircraft that he had never seen before.

In the God Realm, everyone flies with the sword, and no one has ever refined any flying machine.

Maybe it's because of the scarcity of refiners?
Ye Yu could only comfort herself like this.

Long Yao looked at this place, finally it looked like a peach blossom island, just waiting to open the door to welcome guests.

The peach blossom forest occupies tens of miles of land. From a distance, the whole valley is pink.

"Yaoyao, this place is too far away from the outside, how can others come in?"

The central area of ​​Longji Mountain is not accessible to ordinary people.

Ye Yu took the aircraft around and landed in front of Long Yao.

Just now Ye Yu was curious, so he flew around the valley in the aircraft.

The aircraft here, the flight length set by Longyao just can't get out of this Longji Mountain.

Ye Yu can also fly 50 meters above Longji Mountain to her heart's content.

The aircraft can no longer move forward when it reaches the edge of the barrier.

Long Yao looked at Ye Yu maliciously.

Ye Yu jumped aside and hugged herself, "What are you doing? Your eyes are so scary!"

Zhu Mengfei ran over, "Yaoyao means that the road construction is left to you."

"What? Let me build the road?"

Ye Yusheng has nothing to love, thinking that he is a suave and handsome man, and he actually wants to build roads?

(End of this chapter)

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