Chapter 336
Fang Ming felt the powerlessness in his body and his face changed drastically.

"Go! Go!"

Fang Ming pushed the woman hard to the ground.

Why not!Why not!
what!The woman was thrown so badly that her arm was broken.

The woman ran out of the room rolling and crawling.


Everything in the room was swept away by him.

"Why is it that I can live forever, why can't I!"

"why why!"

Fang Ming's forehead was covered with sweat, drops of sweat wet his gray hair.

The strong muscles on his body are clearly defined, and it is impossible to tell that he is almost two hundred years old just by looking at his figure and face.

Fang Ming is the head of the Fang family. In order to find the way of longevity, he has done countless unreasonable things.

This is also the reason for the establishment of the black prison.

Fang Ming has been involved in many dirty transactions in the black prison.

"Come here!" Fang Ming was not reconciled, he must find a way to heal himself.

A woman in tight black clothes came in at the door, "Master."

"Has the elixir formula of Peach Blossom Island not been researched yet?"

Fang Ming spent more than half of the money to buy the elixir of Peach Blossom Island, and now he can't make ends meet to collect enough funds to buy the elixir.

Fang Ming sent people to buy Taohua Island's pills, and bought a few of each kind.

I bought it to study the refining method, and there has been no progress for so long.

Originally, the black prison was already short of funds for the purpose of researching the way of longevity. Later, it was designed again and again by Mo Xun, and the funding chain was almost completely broken.

So until now the most important ingredient of the elixir has not been researched.

"Returning to the master, the medicinal materials of the elixir are all common medicinal materials, and there are only two medicinal materials that we haven't researched yet."

The woman in black replied.

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

"Has the person who went to Peach Blossom Island to arrest people not come back yet?"

Fang Ming's eyes were full of tyranny.

These days he sent a lot of people with supernatural powers to catch the people who made the pills, but all of them were gone forever.

"Not back yet!" The woman's head drooped even lower.

Fang Ming was still thinking about getting angry again, when he heard the alarm suddenly sound harshly.

"What's going on?" This was the first time an emergency siren sounded on Fangjia Island.

"Go down and take a look." As soon as the woman opened the door, she saw chaos outside.

All the guards guarding everywhere rushed to the accident site.

The woman grabbed one person and shouted, "What's going on?"

"Captain, outsiders have intruded into the island, and our supernatural powers have all been dispatched, so we can't stop it!"

The guards ran to the scene of the accident.

"Someone broke in? Impossible!"

Fang Ming took the underground elevator and descended at a high speed.

The real base of the Fang family is underground on the island, which is the core part of high technology.

As soon as I went to the underground, I went to the monitoring room, but the monitoring room was also in chaos.

The monitoring screens were all pitch black.

"What's going on here!" Fang Ming was about to kill someone.

What exactly is going on?

For many years, since he established the black prison, this kind of thing has never happened.

"Master, we don't know what's going on!"

"Master, make up your mind!"

"Yes, master! Our hackers can't see what's going on."

The monitoring room is completely paralyzed, which means they are blind.

"Fix it quickly!"

Fang Ming turned around and went to the backup monitoring room.

Long Yao led Mo Xun and others directly to the island, met people and killed them, met Buddhas and killed Buddhas.

"Oh, I'm going! Are these people supernatural beings?"

This is the first time Ming Ruofeng has seen a real supernatural being.

(End of this chapter)

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