Chapter 337

Some of those supernatural beings are extremely powerful, some can shoot ice spikes, and some can escape from the ground.

"What? Scared?"

Gui Che Tiaofei joked alone.

"How is it possible! Blood boils!"

Ming Ruofeng punched a person in the chest, directly penetrating that person's chest.

Shaking off the blood on his hands in disgust, he quickly got into the crowd.

"Brother, these people are far worse than those spirit beasts!"

The short knife in Jun Lan's hand quickly slashed across a person's neck and picked up a bunch of blood.

This level of battle made his blood boil.

"Don't be too complacent! Be careful yourself!"

The dagger in Jueying's hand was played out of hand by him, and every cut did not fail.

"I know! Brother, don't worry!" Jun Lan flew up and grabbed someone by the throat.

Boom!Jun Lan pinched the man's neck and fell to the ground hard, causing the man's head to become a paste.

A long stick in Bai Guoer's hand was danced vigorously by her.

A small girl was jumping in the crowd with a long stick.

Boom!Bai Guo'er's long stick slammed one person's face, and a red mark was printed on his face.

"Let you sneak attack me!"

Bai Guo'er flew up and kicked again, kicking people away.

Lu Shang remained calm, the two knives waved like the wind in his hands, causing bursts of blood.

Gui Che used a laser gun in his hand, and he was able to deal with more than a dozen people with ease.

The laser gun hits the superhuman body like a blood hole.

Hua Ling's long legs are particularly advantageous, and she can kick people to pieces with her feet.

The seedling knife in Wu Xie's hand swept across, and a group of people all had their heads cut off.

"I'll go! Is my knife so easy to use!" Wu Xie was willing to use his long knife for the first time.

Mo Xun also had a long knife in his hand, and it was the first time he used this kind of artifact to fight against a real person.

The long knife changes between long and short, and the knife is merciless.

Long Yao is not procrastinating at all, every punch is useless.

This is a dragon's claw, and it's not an exaggeration to pull a thousand catties. These people are a piece of cake for her.

As soon as Fang Ming brought his men here, he saw that his men were powerless to fight back.

"what happened?"

Are his supernatural beings so vulnerable?

Is it all paper?

"Who are these people?"

The dozen or so people following Fang Ming looked like giants, with well-developed muscles and bulging limbs.

The fist is like a fight, and with one punch, ordinary people will directly become paste.

These are Fang Ming's most powerful abilities, and they are also her trump cards.

Mo Xun saw Fang Ming and kicked the two of them in front of him.

The long knife pointed at Fang Ming, his eyes were red, "Fang Ming, today is the end of your Fang family!"

The Fang Ming in front of him is still exactly the same as when he was here, there is no change at all.

Thinking of his terrific methods used on their children, he wished he could kill him now.

"Oh? Just by how many of you?"

Fang Ming sneered in disdain, these people are indeed very powerful, and none of his supernatural beings can do anything to them.

That also shows that his supernatural beings can't cultivate well.

When encountering his trump card, should these people obediently catch him without a fight?
"It's just us!" Qin Wuyue walked over with a dagger in his hand, covered in blood.

He was followed by Lu Shang, who was escorting him just now.

Qin Wuyue didn't cultivate, so the force value was naturally not as good as them.

"It's really shameless!" Fang Ming watched the supernatural beings he had cultivated so hard being crippled one by one, bleeding from his heart.

"Then try it!" Mo Xun sarcastically smiled.

These monsters that were forcibly created with drugs will be vulnerable in their hands!
"Go!" Fang Ming waved his hand, and a dozen muscular giants behind him jumped into the battle ring.

(End of this chapter)

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