Chapter 346 Price
The elixir in this bottle was refined by Long Yao using the medicinal materials on Starry Sky Island.

The efficacy is not comparable to those of ordinary pills.

It can be regarded as compensation for the Hua family's protection of Hua Feihua over the years.

"Okay! I won't say it. Now that the task has been completed, the Hua family should live their own lives. I feel relaxed. We don't have to carry the thousand-year promise. It's time for me to go back and take over as the head of the family. Goodbye."

Hua Shaoqing took the pill and left Peach Blossom Island with ease.

The millennium-old promise that had been placed on their Hua family was finally unloaded.

Long Yao returned to Xingyun Island, and sighed helplessly looking at the strands of souls that were not flowers but flowers on the soul-nourishing grass.

Qianqianyu poked the ball with her finger, "Hua Feihua, you said that you used magic to revive. Do you know what retribution will be after your resurrection?"

The ball of light quietly landed on the soul-cultivating grass, only occasionally shining brightly.

Mo Xun came over and poked the ball like her, "Is this a flower or not?"

Long Yao squatted on the ground and nodded, her voice was weak, "Yes! This guy is giving me all kinds of problems."

"The things here are over, do you want to go to another plane?"

"Can I go with you this time?"

Mo Xun didn't want to wait here alone.

Who can understand the torment of waiting?
Long Yao smiled and said: "You can't do anything if you want to go with me, and I don't know when I will be able to take you there."

Long Yao was very frantic, she thought she could lead people there by opening the second passage, but it still didn't work.

"Yuanjun is not awake and no one can ask."

Mo Xun held her hand with tears of grievance, like a little daughter-in-law about to be abandoned.


Long Yao was amused by him, "Don't worry, I'll be fine, you practice hard at home and wait for me to come back."

She is also very helpless, with so many clingy goblins around her, she can only be helpless.

"I will practice hard, my matter is settled, and I will make myself stronger."

After going to Fang's island, he saw clearly the gap between himself.

For ordinary people, he has already excelled, but for practitioners, he is just a rookie.

"Okay! Then let's go out first! Tell them some things and I should set off."

As soon as Long Yao pulled Mo Xun out into the living room, she saw Wen Lan sitting in the living room.

"Xiao Xun!" Wen Lan stood up happily.

Seeing Mo Xun hugging Long Yao intimately, Wen Lan's face instantly became very ugly.

"Why are you here again?" Mo Xun frowned displeased.

Long Yao rolled her eyes, why did this person come again!
"Xiao Xun, my parents have also come to Peach Blossom Island, they want to see you."

Wen Lan ignored Long Yao and stood in front of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun, who smelled of perfume, took two steps back.

Long Yao sneezed several times in succession.

"Stay away from us." Mo Xun pulled Long Yao back a step.

Looking at Wen Lan with as much distaste as possible.

"The low-quality perfume on your body smells too bad, right?" Long Yao said with a harsh tongue.

Wen Lan's face flushed with shame and anger, her eyes were flushed, "Xiao Xun, look at her."

"She's right! If Ms. Wen Lan has nothing to do, please don't come again, the Mo family doesn't welcome you."

Mo Xun chased him away without hesitation.

Wen Lan took a deep breath, suppressed the unwillingness in her heart, and put a gentle smile on her face again.

Ignoring Mo Xun's sarcastic remarks at all, he still smiled generously as always.

(End of this chapter)

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