Chapter 347
Wen Lan pretended to be calm, but she didn't believe that with her understanding, gentle and generous side, she couldn't attract his attention.

"Xiao Xun, our two families have known each other for many years and have a deep friendship. Naturally, I won't take your angry words seriously. My parents are still waiting for us."

As she spoke, she pushed Long Yao aside, wanting to help Mo Xun's arm.

Long Yao stepped forward and pushed her away, Wen Lan staggered a few times and almost couldn't stand still.

"You!" Wen Lan's good temper could no longer be pretended.

"What are you! You can't understand human language! My uncle doesn't want to go! If you don't want to die, how about I give you a ride?"

With one hand, Long Yao lifted Wen Lan up by pinching her neck.

Dare to challenge her bottom line again and again, I really despise my own life!

Wen Lan's eyes were bloodshot, her eyeballs protruded, her breathing was difficult, and she suddenly felt that death was approaching.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Wen Lan turned her head with difficulty, and looked at Mo Xun beggingly, she didn't want to die yet!
Who is this woman?Why is there so much strength?
Wen Lan kicked her legs indiscriminately, at this moment she was scared!

Long Yao raised her red lips slightly, "If you are sensible, hurry up and tell your parents that the Mo family is not your Wen family, and it is best not to make any crooked ideas, otherwise, I will let your Wen family go back to the original point!"

Boom!Wen Lan was thrown heavily to the ground.

She felt like all the bones in her body were falling apart.

"Cough cough cough! Why?"

"Xiao Xun was originally mine, and you stole him away! You bastard who came out of nowhere! What right do you have to snatch him from me?"

Wen Lan got up from the ground, touched her neck, pointed at Long Yao and roared loudly.

Obviously she and Mo Xun are a natural match.

"Wen Lan, I think about the kindness of a meal back then. I have helped your Wen family for many years. The kindness that should be repaid has been paid off. If the Wen family is not satisfied, then you don't want the glory now!"

"Yao'er is my fiancée, I won't allow you to slander her! If I hear you say no to her again, you won't imagine how I will deal with your Wen family!"

Mo Xun was really angry this time.

Dare to say that Yao'er is a wild species?Their Wen family lived so comfortably!

Wen Lan couldn't believe it, she had never seen Mo Xun so angry.

He has always been very gentle with him!
"I can not be reconciled!"

Wen Lan wanted to fight for herself again.

"You have nothing to be reconciled to! Do you know who this girl is?"

"The entire Peach Blossom Island is mine, what qualifications do you have to compare with me?"

"Back when Mo Xun was terminally ill, your Wen family was afraid that you would not be able to dodge it in time. It was because I cured him that Mo Xun is what he is today!"

"Now that the Mo family has a close relationship with Peach Blossom Island, the Wen family is here to play the autumn wind again! Are you embarrassed?"

"To possess someone who doesn't love you under the guise of loving someone, what do you think your Wen family is?"

Long Yao snorted coldly, directly revealing her identity.

Without an intimidating identity, it's really always underestimated!
What a bastard!She was born!
"You?" Wen Lan's mind was pierced by her, and she felt ashamed and angry.

What made her even more unacceptable was her identity.

The owner of Peach Blossom Island, she can't even match a finger of others!
What does she use to compare with others?

Enduring the pain in her body, Wen Lan was devastated, and staggered all the way to leave Peach Blossom Island.

She won't just let it go!
Long Yao turned her head and glared at Mo Xun fiercely, "You are the one who provoked me! In the future, if someone like this comes to show off his power in front of me, then you will be blessed!"

Long Yao snorted coldly, turned and left the room.

(End of this chapter)

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