Chapter 359

When Min Chao came here in a daze, there was a voice in his mind telling him that the Goddess of the Beast World would come in the World of Beasts.

That time was also the time when his meritorious deeds were consummated.

All these years, Minchao has been waiting for the goddess to come.

Long Yao had a headache and raised her forehead, what kind of plots did this old man of Tiandao set up?

Min Chao continued: "Girl, I have stayed in this beast world for 30 years, and nothing has changed. The changes here will depend on you."

He has only lived in Blue Star for 16 years, he doesn't know much, and he didn't teach them much when he came to this beast world.

"You have done a good job! At least you are not those savages who drink blood."

Long Yao felt strange when she met Bao Shen.

Why they don't have much of a surprise other than being surprised that they are women.

Because Min Chao had taught them many things, the woman's dress didn't surprise them much.

When Long Yao came to this tribe, the women she saw were all dressed in burlap, which meant that he also taught them how to weave.

However, materials are limited, and only women are allowed to wear clothes.

"Young lady! I want to tell you, be careful of the orcs in White Tiger City. They have learned a lot because of me. It is a kindness to the Black Panther tribe to have me here. If I go, you A girl, they won't let you go."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Min Chao coughed violently because of excitement.

The rules of survival in the Beast World Continent are very cruel. Because women are scarce, they have become the wealth that the major cities compete for.

If people know that she is a goddess, the rest of the city will definitely come to fight for the right to own the goddess.

"Don't worry! Since I still have the ability to return to Blue Star, they can't do anything to me."

Long Yao helped him get another glass of water to drink.

The violent cough was suppressed, and Min Chao remembered Long Yao's identity.

Yes!She is a goddess, why can't she deal with those orcs in White Tiger City?

"Then I'm relieved! Even if I die, I have nothing to worry about."

"I can finally go home!"

Min Chao's pupils began to dilate slowly, and he swallowed his last breath with his head tilted, the corners of his mouth still slightly raised.

"Go at ease! I will take you home!"

Long Yao gently laid him flat on the haystack.

Looking at people who are only in their 40s, they look like they are 90 or [-] years old.

Sure enough, this animal world is not so supportive.


Bao Shen didn't hear the movement in the cave and shouted outside.

"Come in!"

Long Yao helped Min Chao clean up, just waiting for cremation.

"Wizard? The old wizard?"

Bao Shen looked at the lifeless man lying on the straw with red eyes.

He knew it would be such a result.

"I want to cremate the old wizard."

The orcs here will be cremated when they die, which is taught by Min Chao.

"Okay! The old wizard has gone, we will definitely bury him properly."

Bao Shen wiped the corners of his eyes, picked up the horns in the cave and left the cave.


Wailing horns sounded over the entire Horde.

"Let's go, wizard!"

"Let's go, wizard!"

"Let's go, wizard!"


Hearing the sound of the horn, men, women and children in the tribe knelt and kowtowed.

Long Yao walked out of the cave with Bao Shen.

Men, women and children gathered around the square, and on the pyre was Min Chao's body.

Looking at the raging fire, Long Yao felt uncomfortable.

A mortal is nothing but a handful of loess after death, and an immortal will be alone for thousands of years.

If she could choose, she would rather be a mortal for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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