Chapter 360 Not a Mortal
Things are beautiful, but the reality is too cruel. She was not a human being from birth, let alone a mortal.

She was born without father and mother, and was born alone.

It is also slandered by those hypocrites as a monster that cannot be tolerated in the world.

Birth is not up to her to choose, but she can choose how to live her life.

Long Yao found a clay pot and put Min Chao's ashes in it.

"Wizard, since the old wizard is gone, you should live in the old wizard's residence."

After arranging everything in the tribe, Bao Shen came over with some barbecue in both hands.

Now every family in their tribe cooks their own fire at home.

Those who have no partner also work together to cook food.

Baoshen had no partner, so he partnered with the leader to cook food.

Just happened to help Long Yao make a copy.

"I'm just hungry." Long Yao picked up the barbecue and ate it.

It smells pretty good.

Baoshen used a bone knife to help her slice the meat, the corners of his mouth fluttered, wondering whether he should speak or not.

"Just say anything."

Long Yao didn't need to look at him to know that he must have something to ask her.

"Wizard, we have already divided the snow ginseng, and the tribe has recognized your identity. We will leave for White Tiger City tomorrow. You must not go out casually in the tribe."

Baoshen exhorted worriedly.

Females are too rare, and female wizards are even rarer.

Wizards are in danger if they are targeted.

"I'll go with you."

Long Yao planned to go to White Tiger City with them, how could she find someone if she didn't go out to the tribe?

"This? Wizard, few wizards in the tribe go out to the tribe."

Every tribe wishes to have a wizard.

Not everyone can be a wizard. If a tribe's wizards are snatched away by a large tribe, their tribe will suffer a great loss.

"Don't worry, I can protect myself! You have already upgraded the beast soul, don't you have the confidence to protect me?"

Long Yao found it very funny to see their nervous appearance.

"That's right! Our beast souls have been upgraded! I really forgot."

Bao Shen touched the three-star beast soul on his arm and smiled like a fool.

"Okay! The clansmen are all upgrading the beast souls, you go and guard them."

Bao Shen wanted to say something, but Long Yao pushed him out of the cave.

Finally quiet, Long Yao sat in the cave in a daze.

Zhu Meng slept in the bag next to her in the dark.

Long Yao poked its snow-white belly, "You sleep here and don't talk to me!"

"Where do you think I'm going to find someone? Isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack?"

"Hey! It's all bad old man Tiandao! It's obviously mine, you have to test me to get it!"

pissed her off!

Long Yao lay on the stone bed and fell asleep muttering.

Baoshen was outside guarding the clansmen to upgrade their beast souls.

In one night, the whole tribe will rise and fall with excited roars of each other.

The next day.

Long Yao followed a dozen people and set off for White Tiger City.

The Black Panther tribe is in the deep mountains, and it takes 20 days to walk from the White Tiger City.

Along the way, we must also guard against sneak attacks from other tribes.

Long Yao rode on Bao Shen's back and walked slowly.

"Wizard, what are the treasures that upgrade the beast soul?"

A handsome man was walking beside Longyao, touching the two stars on his arm and smiling.

Leopard Blue is an orc who has just grown up, with a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a light wheat-colored skin.

She looks good when she smiles, and there are two dimples on her baby-fat face when she smiles.

Long Yao got to know them well and always liked to pinch his face.

Leopard Lan blushed with embarrassment every time her face was pinched, like a frightened little rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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