Chapter 366 Make a deal

Bai Mei was a little worried, if such a powerful wizard was allowed to stay in the Black Panther Tribe, would there be any changes in the future?
Long Yao had already guessed his concerns, and now she doesn't care so much.

She needs a capital to gain a foothold here.

"I can provide you with things to upgrade the beast soul every year, on the condition that you don't make enemies with the Black Panther tribe."

There are a lot of pills in the pawnshop, enough for them to upgrade.

Now that she can't use spiritual energy, she can't even think about refining pills.

The elixir cannot be refined, but it can be boiled into pills. The efficacy cannot be compared with the elixir, but it can treat various diseases of these people.

With these skills, is she afraid of starving herself to death?

These capitals are enough to do business with him.

"Wizards really have such confidence?"

Bai Mei's heart was boiling with enthusiasm.

Are there really that many treasures with upgraded beast souls in the world?
"Naturally, I am sure. This kind of natural treasure can be made into pills for beastmen to use. Although you can upgrade beast souls, few of you can survive when you are sick. You don't know how to use these things. thing."

"Use these precious treasures well. Not only can you upgrade the beast soul, but it can also cure all diseases."

Long Yao has learned along the way that people in the Beastman Land rarely get sick.

Because male orcs are protected by beast souls, their physiques are exceptionally good.

Women don't have such a good physique, and once they get sick, there is no cure.

The same is true for newborn little orcs. Little orcs need to reach a certain age to open the beast soul.

A little orc without a beast soul would easily perish.

The birth rate of babies in the Beastman Continent is already low, and if there are more premature deaths, the population of the Beastman Continent will become smaller and smaller.

So here, female orcs are protected like queens.

If she can change the orc system here, maybe the situation on this continent will change.

"Is what the wizard said true?"

Bai Mei was a little excited. If a wizard can cure diseases, then she is not as simple as a wizard.

Their White Tiger City also has wizards who can cure diseases and save people, but they cannot let them upgrade their beast souls.

"You are a goddess, right?"

Bai Mei remembered the ancient legend of the Beast World Continent.

According to legend, this continent was opened up by the goddess at will. In order to prevent the orcs from suffering the genocide, the orcs were placed on this continent.

One day, the goddess will come again to save them.

Long Yao frowned slightly, it was several times that she was recognized as a goddess.

Min Chao also said that there will be goddesses coming to this continent.


Could it be that she really can't do it?
Long Yao also felt that this continent was very desolate, and it was only after walking for more than 20 years that she came across this so-called city.

In her opinion, this city is just the size of a small town.

The only difference from other tribes is that the houses here are all made of stones.

The place where the Black Panther tribe lives is a dark and narrow cave.

It is really not easy to change this continent.

The goddess they were looking forward to came, could it be her?

"Yes! The first time I saw you, I felt that you were different from the females here!"

Bai Mei said the truth, Long Yao's beauty is also unique in the God Realm.

Not to mention in this animal world where all females are ugly like ghosts.

"Then why do you think I'm a goddess?"

Speaking of which, she is really a goddess!Not even his blindness.

"It is said that the goddess has unparalleled beauty and the ability to save the world. She is omnipotent."

This legend is no secret in the beast world.

(End of this chapter)

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