Chapter 367 Legend
In the beast world, every orc has heard the legend of the goddess.

Long Yao's beauty is unparalleled, enough to match the beauty of a goddess.

Long Yao only wanted to change the system of the orcs so that they had enough ability to thrive, and then waited for the dragon balls to mature.

She doesn't want to be a savior.

"I don't have that much ability! My ability is also limited. Being able to make this deal with the city lord is already the limit. Can the city lord do this transaction?"

With White Tiger City behind them to support the Black Panthers, they should be able to live a stable life.

Baimei believed that Long Yao was a goddess, but she also recognized it even if she didn't admit it.

"Goddess doesn't recognize me and I have decided that it is my honor to be able to make a deal with Goddess."

In the future, I will have time to contact the Goddess, so let's get to know it slowly.

The ability of the goddess is what they urgently need now.

"That's good! These two snow ginseng are enough to pay the annual tribute of the Black Panther Tribe? In the future, if there is any need for the city lord, you can go to the Black Panther Tribe to find me."

After she went back, she planned to take the little orc to live in seclusion in the forest, and then find a place to plant some herbs to heal people and upgrade the beast soul.

"Won't the goddess stay in White Tiger City? It will be safer here. If White Ape City finds out about the existence of the goddess, it may be bad for you."

Bai Mei wasn't talking nonsense either, the orcs in Baiyuan City were bloodthirsty, burning, killing, looting and committing all sorts of crimes.

If it weren't for their strength in White Tiger City, they would have been wiped out by White Ape City long ago.

White Ape City is located in the north, where the climate is dry and covered with ice and snow all the year round, so prey is scarce.

In order to survive, they will come to them to burn, kill and plunder, and they will come to rob several times every year.

"White Ape City? Their city lord, Beast Soul, is taller than you?"

The orcs with three-star beast souls are already very powerful here.

If the strength of the White Ape City Lord is even higher, it will be very difficult for them to deal with it.

"It's the same as me, otherwise the tribe under the protection of White Tiger City these years would not be so stable."

Bai Mei wants to upgrade the beast soul eagerly, just in case.

There will be a battle between White Ape City and White Tiger City sooner or later. At that time, their strength will not be enough, and they will only end up being wiped out.

"After eating this snow ginseng, the city lord will definitely upgrade to a one-star beast soul, and then the city lord will be able to fight them."

The deal has so far been considered a deal.

"Good! I believe in the abilities of wizards."

Only then did Baimei formally take the snow ginseng from her hand.

"So the city lord is planning to make this deal with me?"

Long Yao wants to go back as soon as possible, the child's illness is not so easy to treat.

"Of course! I plan to continue this deal with the wizard. I hope our cooperation will last forever."

Baimei has already determined in her heart that she is a goddess, and this deal is not a loss.

"That's good! We'll meet later!"

Long Yao got up and planned to leave.

"Goddess! Are you really not going to stay?"

Aside from business, Bai Mei suddenly became a lot more shy.

His cheeks were flushed, and his hands were restlessly clutching the corners of his clothes.

Long Yao was a little confused by his change, she was serious just now, why is she shy now?
"I won't stay! I still have a lot of things to do, we will meet later."

Long Yao turned around and left the back hall without hesitation.


Bai Mei still wanted to keep her, but the corners of his mouth twitched against her back, making it difficult for him to speak.

Bao Shen and the others followed behind Long Yao, walking listlessly.

The child in Long Yao's arms was breathing weakly, and the muscles in both legs were weak and dangling unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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