Chapter 368 Comatose
Looking at the child in her arms, Long Yao frowned tightly.

For so many days, the child has been unconscious.

Fortunately, this child met her, otherwise his soul would have gone to the west.

"Wizard, are you really not planning to go back to the tribe?"

After many days of walking, we finally reached the foot of the tribal mountain.

Baoshen was very reluctant to leave Long Yao.

"Wizard, do you really want to go?"

"Wizard, don't go?"

"Yes wizard, our tribe needs you!"

Long Yao turned around with a smile, "I will stay in the woods not far from your tribe, if you have anything to do, you can find me there."

Then he said to Baoshen: "Bao Shen, I have reached an agreement with the White Tiger City Lord, they will ensure the safety of the tribe, and they will not take away the females in the tribe, you take this."

Long Yao took out a small porcelain bottle and handed it to Bao Shen.

"what is this?"

Bao Shen stared at the jade bottle in his hand, this bottle is really pretty, and the flowers on it are also pretty.

"This is for the females in the tribe. They all have serious gynecological diseases. After eating this, they will be cured, and then they will give birth to girls."

These pills are from the Wanjie pawnshop, more than enough to treat their illnesses and allow them to give birth to girls.

"What did you say? Can make a female have a girl?"

Bao Shen held the jade bottle in his hand and his hands trembled.

No female orcs had been born in their tribe for many years.

The rest of the people were also shocked.

"Believe me, please let me know if you have good news in a while, we will meet later."

Long Yao walked steadily into the nearby woods with the child on her back.

Bao Shen shook his head, "Let's go back too! If we need anything, we'll go to the wizard again."

"Yes!" All of them looked at Long Yao's back reluctantly, and couldn't move their feet no matter what.

Long Yao was walking hard in the woods with the child in her arms.

"You said you, you haven't woken up for so long, but fortunately you didn't sink, otherwise I would be exhausted."

"I don't know who is so ruthless that it will break your legs."

Long Yao muttered as she walked.

There is also a Zhumeng in the backpack, and a child in his arms.

What evil did she do!

In this other world, not only has he become powerless, but he also has to raise children.

Tired from walking all day, Long Yao found a flat place to rest.

Take a blanket and lay it on the rocks, and put the child on it.

"The body is much better." Long Yao felt the pulse and found that the muscles and veins on his body that had been crippled in the past few days were being repaired.

Their orc veins are too difficult to repair.

No wonder their orcs are prone to die of illness.

"Beast father—"

The little orc suddenly grabbed Long Yao's arm and babbled.

"Beast father? Are you calling your father?"

Long Yao's arms hurt from being scratched by him.

"Beast father—"

The little orc held Long Yao tightly and kept raving.

"I'm here, I'm here!"

Long Yao gently held him in her arms and coaxed him softly.

"It smells so good, you smell so good."

The little orc tucked into Long Yao's arms in a daze, and fell asleep peacefully smelling the fragrance of her body.

"Stinky boy! You know how to take advantage at such a young age."

Long Yao pulled him out of her arms and helped him wipe the sweat off his forehead.

This kid will definitely be a guy who will fascinate thousands of girls when he grows up.

Why do you look so sinister!

Zhumeng crawled out of Longyao's satchel in a daze.

Sniffing around twice, "Dragon Ball? It's not cooked yet!"

Zhu Meng climbed onto the little orc and sniffed it twice, the dragon ball is still not cooked yet?

What's happening here?
(End of this chapter)

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