Chapter 372 An Jia
Long Yao was struck by the worry in his eyes, and it was difficult to say some words.

"Kind of words."

"Zhezhi, your legs are almost healed, we can take a dip in the medicinal bath and then we can walk on the ground."

The medicines she used these days were all from the pawnshop, and although they were not as effective as the medicines on Nebula Island, they were better than the medicines here.

After these days of treatment, his hamstrings have continued to heal.

Zhe Zhi's brows and eyes were curved with a smile, he could finally walk.

"Can you tell me what happened to your leg?"

Long Yao wanted to unravel his knot, so he had to unravel his scars.

Zhezhi's eyes were full of injuries, the corners of his mouth fluttered and he finally opened his mouth.

"It was beaten by my mother."

Zhazhi clutched the quilt anxiously.

"Why?" Long Yao didn't understand why a mother broke her child's legs herself.

"Mummy is an ape, and the father of the beast is a snake orc. Mom doesn't like the father of the beast, and I don't like me after I was born. Mom wants to dissolve the relationship with the father of the beast. In the end, the father of the beast died outside because of the dissolution of the partnership. When Muma saw me, she thought of the beast father, beat and scolded me, and finally broke my snake tail, and my legs were also broken after turning into a beastman."

"Mumma saw that I was a burden, so she got someone to throw me into the river. Mama said I was her disgrace."

Zhezhi's big eyes were full of tears.

The beast father died, and he was kicked out of the house.

Mom doesn't want him anymore!The tribe didn't take him in either.

"How can you be a burden? Zhazhi looks good too, and I will definitely find a partner who is like me in the future."

Long Yao shook her head in her heart, this man in the animal world is a bit too human-rightsless.

"I won't look for a partner in the future, I want to stay with sister."

Zhezhi seems to have lingering fears about the word partner, he doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his beast father.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this now, let's talk about it when you grow up."

Broken Branch is only ten years old now, it's a bit premature to think about this.

"Yeah." Zhezhi obediently covered her with the quilt, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

All the smells here make him feel safe.

Long Yao smiled and left the room, the yard was still bare, she planned to grow some vegetables or something.

Grab a shovel and start tidying up the yard.

The yard is not small, and the vegetables grown are enough for her to eat.

When I came here, I brought a lot of cooked food, but not many vegetables.

"I have become a farmer in the beast world?"

"The land here is very fertile, and the vegetables grown must be delicious."

Long Yao complained while tidying up the yard.

These things can be done with a single spiritual power technique before.

Now she still has to learn farming bit by bit.

This is probably the purpose of Tiandao to let her come here, right?

Let her experience the sufferings of the people and experience the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

Let her know how ordinary people live.

Long Yao was sitting cross-legged in the yard, throwing clods of soil in her hands for fun, looking up at the sky, when would such a day be the end!
In the blink of an eye, March passed.

It's peaceful here, but the Black Panther tribe is happy because a few females have conceived.

"The wizard's medicine really works!"

"Yeah! I just don't know if it's a female or not?"

"Didn't the wizard say it? It must be a female."

"We trust wizards."

A group of people sang and danced around the square.

Bao Shen sat aside in a daze.

They have been separated from the wizard for several months, and they don't know what's going on with the wizard?

"Brother Shen, I want to see the wizard."

Leopard Blue scratched her head in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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