Chapter 373
Leopard Lan wanted to visit the wizard a long time ago, but because he needed to hunt and store prey for winter, he didn't bother to visit her.

It just so happened that they planned to go hunting in the woods where the wizard lived in the past two days, and went to see the wizard by the way.

"Go! Let's go together."

Bao Shen also wanted to see her.

Three days later, Baoshen took his men to hunt in the forest where Long Yao lived.

"Didn't you rush back to the tribe after hunting the prey? Why did you go deep in the forest?"

One of the men asked Leopard Lan in confusion.

"It's not long since you came to the tribe. It's normal if you don't know. We wizards live here."

Bao Lan can't wait to see Long Yao now.

A cold light flashed across Qing Shu's eyes, which was quickly covered up.

Smiling and approaching, "I heard that the wizards in your tribe are goddesses. Is it true?"

Leopard Lan and You Rongyan said: "Of course it's true! We wizards are goddesses!"

Qing Shu got an affirmative answer, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Baoshen and his men finally arrived at Long Yao's residence.

As soon as I arrived here, I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

"Is this where wizards live? Isn't this too beautiful?"

Leopard Lan quickly ran two steps to the front of the yard.

I saw Long Yao weeding the vegetable field in the small courtyard.

"Wizard! Wizard!"

Leopard Blue stood outside the courtyard and waved.

"Why are you here? Come in!"

Long Yao looked up and saw Bao Lan and others standing outside the courtyard.

"Meet the wizard!"

"Meet the wizard!"

Baoshen led everyone to salute.

Qing Shu raised his head and met Shang Longyao's stunning face, his Adam's apple rolled and suppressed the shock in his heart.

The goddess really lives up to her reputation!Even more beautiful than rumored.

"Wizard, we have come to tell you good news."

Bao Shen and the others had uncontrollable joy on their faces.

"Is there good news for all the females in the tribe?"

Long Yao guessed it without thinking too much.

"The wizard is really amazing! You can guess right."

Leopard Lan happily interjected.

There hasn't been such a happy event in their tribe for a long time.

"I know the pills I gave you."

Long Yao didn't intend to chat with them, so she picked up the shovel and started weeding.

There is still a lot of grass in her field that hasn't been pulled out yet.

"Wizard, what are you doing?"

Bao Shen picked up the shovel beside him.

He had never seen such a thing before!

"This is a grown vegetable. I'm weeding it. Haven't you eaten it?"

Long Yao planted a lot of vegetables this time, many of which they had never seen before.

"The vegetables we grow are not as good."

Leopard Lan picked up the vegetables on the side and looked at them. The vegetables grown by their tribe were not so juicy.

"Aren't you here to see me grow vegetables?"

Long Yao knew that there was nothing good for these guys to come.

"Wizard, it was the White Tiger City Lord who brought the news that the pills they sold on behalf of them have been sold out."

Before Baoshen came, he had received news from the White Tiger City Lord that the business of their pills was very good.

The few pills that Long Yao left alone for the White Tiger City Lord, presumably he has already taken them.

With the effect, it sells very well.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so anxious to do business with her again.

"Okay! I'll give you the pills, and you can trade with them when you get back."

Long Yao went to the room and took out a glass bottle, which contained dozens of pills.

At this time, Zhezhi came out of the house leaning on a cane.

The milk said: "Sister, you see I can go."

"Zhezhi, why did you come out?"

Long Yao hurriedly supported him.

"Look at you, you came out before you left quickly."

Long Yao helped him to the courtyard.

"Snake, snake orc!"

Qing Shu pretended to take a few steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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