Chapter 376 Soul Beast
After Long Yao healed Broken Branch's injury, he opened all his tendons, and by the way helped him wash his tendons and cut his marrow, becoming the first soul beast in this beast world.

Ahhhhh!A group of people were swept away by broken branches.

"This is a soul beast! How can we beat it!"

"Boss! What shall we do?"

Seeing the people on his side being swept away one by one, the rest of the orcs panicked.

Soul beast!The legendary soul beast!How can they cope?

"Damn you!"

The broken branch and the red eyes are bound to kill all those people.

"Broken branches! Come back!"

Long Yao flew to block the broken branch.

These people are already afraid of the snake orcs, and now is not the time to conflict with them.

"Sister! How dare they hurt you!"

Zhezhi moved his big head in front of Longyao, and rubbed against her shoulder relyingly.

"I'll tell them, change back!"

Long Yao saw that the bones of those people had been beaten to pieces by him.

If you don't stop him, none of these people will survive.

Zhezhi turned back into a human body, and it was that docile and lovely little boy again.

"Are you still saying that he didn't kill the people in our tribe? Since he is already a soul beast, he will naturally have the ability to kill them."

The leading man was obviously seriously injured, looking at Broken Branch with fear and unwillingness.

This is the first soul beast in the beast world!
He was supposed to be the person they looked up to and followed, but he happened to be a snake orc.

It is absolutely impossible for the snake orcs to make them surrender!
"You said that Zhazhi killed the members of your tribe without any evidence, did you never think that someone framed you?"

"I am a wizard from the Black Panther Tribe, you are not afraid of my identity, so have they told you the identity of the goddess?"

Long Yao gently raised her hand, and suddenly there was a round ball in her palm.

"Goddess?" The leader orc rubbed his eyes, did the ball in her hand come out of nowhere?

I was shocked, but I didn't believe that she was a goddess.

They have heard the legend of the goddess, the female in front of them is very beautiful, is it really a goddess?
Long Yao could see that they didn't believe it, and they wouldn't believe it unless they showed some real skills.

The ball is thrown into the air.

A purple sky thunder struck a nearby tree.

The human-thick supertree turned into powder in an instant.

"This, this, this!"

"Are you really a goddess?"

"The Goddess really can't harm us!"

An older orc stepped forward excitedly.

Staring at Long Yao with burning eyes, is this really a goddess?
"Now do you believe it?"

Long Yao took back the thunderball in her hand.

"I have seen the goddess!"

A group of people saluted together.

"Get up! I believe that you are also misled to trouble me. I hope you will find out before you come back."

I don't know who came to find her bad luck so soon.

Could it be that the pills she made attracted the attention of those who cared?
"Master Goddess, we believe that you are a Goddess, but this snake beastman cannot be left behind."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the leader orc.

So what if the snake orc is protected by a goddess?What if it's a soul beast?

With so many of them, they are still confident against a soul beast that has just been upgraded to one star.

As long as this snake orc is killed and the beast core in his body is taken out, he can become the first soul beast in the beast world.

Soul beasts are different from ordinary orcs. Soul beasts have beast cores in their bodies, which can be upgraded by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

Even if ordinary orcs can upgrade their beast souls, they still don't have beast cores.

Only after upgrading to nine stars and crossing that hurdle to become a soul beast will there be a beast core.

(End of this chapter)

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