Chapter 377 Insatiable Greed
The corners of Long Yao's lips raised slightly, these people are really greedy.

Want to kill Broken Branch?It depends on whether she agrees or not!

"He is mine, you are not qualified to deal with him! If you are not convinced, hold back!"

"Broken branches, let's go!"

Long Yao returned to the courtyard with the broken branches.

With a snap of his fingers, the courtyard was surrounded by formations, as if covered with a glass cover.


Boom!The orcs headed by them were just about to chase Longyao when they were blown away by the barrier around the courtyard.

puff!The orc in the lead fell to the ground hard and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He hasn't got the beast core yet!
Boom!Seeing the beast core go away from him, he fainted unwillingly.

"Goddess, forgive me!"

"Goddess, forgive me!"

Seeing that the leader was blown away out of thin air, the rest were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately.

At first they did not believe that the beautiful female was a goddess.

The purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky just now, and they were still dubious in their hearts.

Now that they saw with their own eyes a transparent cover protecting Long Yao, they fully believed in the Goddess.

The wizards in the Orc Continent don't have such abilities.

The barrier cut off all the hustle and bustle outside, and Long Yao took the broken branches and started cooking as if nothing happened.

After a day of tossing, I am hungry.

"Sister! You are amazing!"

Zhe Zhi looked at Long Yao adoringly.

"Amazing! My sister will protect Zhezhi in the future!"

Long Yao is also speechless, she has no spiritual power and can only rely on external power.

That thunder ball is just a spiritual weapon.

"Yeah! I will also protect sister."

Zhezhi admires Longyao more and more, and when he grows up, he will become as powerful as sister.

"Okay!" Long Yao touched the little guy's face, and sure enough, the kid's face is smooth and tender.

"Sister teased me again!"

Zhezhi arched shyly in her arms.

"Who made our broken branches so beautiful!"

Long Yao started to be dishonest again.

The two laughed and played and had a peaceful meal.

"What? Is she really a goddess?"

Qing Shu's face emerged from the shadows.

"Yes sir!"

An orc said respectfully.

"It really is a goddess! You spread rumors, saying that the goddess came to protect the snake orcs, and the Beast World Continent is bound to encounter a catastrophe!"

Want to use the name of a goddess to help the White Tiger Clan unify the mainland?It's not that easy!

If they want to dominate the mainland, they can only be the members of the White Ape Clan!

"Yes! Your lord!"

Subordinates take orders.

Qing Shu raised his hand and took off the human skin mask on his face.

A face that charms all living beings appeared, with red lips slightly raised, and a charming smile.

"Goddess? We will see you again!"

Bai Wuyan stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

interesting!It's really interesting to see a goddess appearing out of nowhere!
Long Yao didn't care about the rumors and gossip outside, and lived a carefree life with Zha Zhi.

"Sister! What are we doing?"

Zhezhi watched Longyao erecting a pillar in the yard.

The pillars are placed in strange shapes.

"This is a plum blossom pile, for you to practice martial arts."

Although Zhezhi is a one-star soul beast, it can only transform into a brute force.

Long Yao wanted him to be a man with both civil and military skills.

Even if you don't transform, you can still have the power to fight.

"Practice martial arts? Sister, how do I practice?"

The broken branches happily circled around the plum blossom stake.

"You will know when the time comes."

The last wooden pile was put into the ground, and the plum blossom pile was finally completed.

"Broken branches, come up and try."

Long Yao pulled the broken branch and flew up the stake.

"Hey! Sister, I can't stand."

The broken branch couldn't stand upright on it, and almost fell.

(End of this chapter)

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