Chapter 378 Plum Blossom Pile

The wooden stake is so thin that only one foot can be placed on it.

Long Yao stood on the wooden stake with one foot as steady as Mount Tai, "Broken branch, from now on you will have to stand on this wooden stake for two hours every day."

"Huh? Will it take that long?"

Zhe Zhi wobbled on the pillar and almost lost his footing.

"This is the most basic. I will practice every day in the future, and then follow me to learn to read and write."

Broken Branch's body has fully recovered, and he can be taught to read and write.

"Is it because sister sees those things?"

Sometimes he would see Ajie sitting by the window with a book, the setting sun hitting her face so beautifully.

He sometimes wonders when he can read a book quietly like Sister.

Now he finally got his wish.

"Yeah! Haven't you always been very interested? You have taught me all the elder sisters you like."

Long Yao carried him off the stake, and the two returned to the room hand in hand.

In the blink of an eye, smoke billowed from the kitchen.

Winter is here, and snowflakes are blowing into people's hearts with the whistling north wind, which is cold and biting.

The small courtyard is shrouded in a barrier, like a paradise isolated from the world.

The vegetables in the courtyard are still green and green, and a flower tree is in full bloom.

The snowflakes melted and disappeared the moment they touched the barrier, without affecting the beauty of the small courtyard at all.

Zhezhi was dressed in white and stood on the plum blossom pile with one leg, beads of sweat wet his back.

"Why are the words on it so obscure?"

His clothes were soaked in sweat, and the broken branches didn't seem to notice. He stood on the plum blossom pile while reading a book.

"Help, wizard! Help, wizard!"

Baoshen slapped desperately outside the barrier.

Zhezhi tilted his head and took a look, "So it's Baoshen."

The small body flew down and left the barrier in the blink of an eye.

"Ouch! It's so cold outside."

Zhezhi walked out of the barrier and shuddered coldly.

"Young master, is the wizard here?"

Baoshen was sweating profusely in anxiety in the winter.

"Sister is here, what can you do with her?"

Zhezhi was always called Little Young Master by them, and he thought this title was really nice.

"Please, young master, inform the wizard that the female of the tribe is about to give birth, but we are helpless."

Bao Shen wiped his beads of sweat, wishing he could rush into the courtyard to find the wizard himself.

But they couldn't get into the courtyard at all.

"I'll let you take a look."

Long Yao came out with a medicine box.

"Zhezhi go back and wait."

As soon as he was about to leave, he felt his clothes being grabbed.

Zhe Zhi looked at Long Yao pitifully, "Sister, I will go too."

He and Long Yao have been here for more than a year, and they have never been out of the woods.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Long Yao took out a white cloak to protect the broken branch, and pulled him away.

"Wizard, please follow me."

Although Baoshen didn't want the snake orcs to go to the tribe, he didn't dare to say anything with the wizard around.

Zhezhi looked at the big tender hand that was holding her tightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

My sister's hands are so warm!
Three women in the tribe are giving birth.

There are many orcs around the cave.

"Boss, someone outside is attacking the tribe!"

An orc came to report.

Bao Sen was arranging for the female to give birth outside the entrance of the cave, and was shocked when he heard the news.

"What? Fight with all your might!"

Baosen now has enough confidence in his people.


When the person who comes back retreats, he will arrange for the battle.

"Leopard Lan, Baoshen went to invite the wizard and hasn't come back yet, you go and greet her, females must not have any accidents!"

"The rest come with me!"

Bao Sen led the people to the tribe's city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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