Chapter 379 The Hyena Clan

Over the past year, Long Yao taught them many things.

Not only taught them to plant medicinal materials, but also supervised them to build the city.

Now that the Black Panther tribe is surrounded by tall cities, they are not afraid even if enemies come to attack them.

As long as you stand on the city, you can deal with the enemy.

Outside the city wall is a family of hyenas densely packed.

As soon as the three of Long Yao arrived here, they saw the black panthers and the hyenas fighting fiercely.

"Sister, how do we get in?"

Zhezhi saw the blood of the battle between the two sides.

He also wanted to go up and fight.

"Wizard, the clansmen are almost unable to hold on, I will help, you all hide."

Woohoo!Bao Shen turned into a leopard and jumped into the battle circle.

Long Yao stroked Zhe Zhi's hair and encouraged him: "Zhe Zhi, you have been practicing martial arts for a while, go up and try your skills."

She had already seen that this kid was about to move.

"it is good!"

Zhezhi suddenly had a black long knife in his hand, and rushed into the herd of beasts.

Seeing the nimble little figure jumping around in the crowd, he nodded in satisfaction.

"It really didn't disappoint my cultivation."

Zhezhi's talent is really unique.

He has dragon balls in his body, and his tendons and veins are different from ordinary people.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to become a soul beast just by opening your veins.

"who are you?"

The hyena leader stared at Zhezhi with red eyes, and he couldn't figure out a child.

"You still have no right to know who I am!"

Zhe Zhi's tone of voice is more and more like Long Yao's, they are all so arrogant.

The hyena patriarch was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Gritting his teeth angrily, "Withdraw!"

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people on his side, the hyena leader had to retreat.

Seeing the hyena clan fleeing in embarrassment, the panther orcs cheered happily.

"Oh oh oh! See if you dare to come in the future!"

"We are protected by city walls!"

"We wizards still have the foresight!"

All the people in the Black Panther tribe are honored because of a powerful wizard.

Long Yao ran into the battlefield carrying the medicine box, "Zhe Zhi, are you alright?"

Zhezhi shook his head, "It's okay, sister, let's go."

There are still females in the tribe waiting for sister to save her life.

"The wizard is coming! Open the city gate!"

The orcs guarding the city saw that Long Yao was coming, and hurriedly opened the door.

Baoshen ordered people to clean up the battlefield, and personally took Long Yao to the cave.

The orcs outside the cave were all anxious and at a loss.

"Wizard, you are here, the females give birth in the cave."

Bao Sen was not worried about the battle outside the city, so he kept guarding outside the cave.

The three females here carry the hope of the whole clan.

If they can really give birth to female cubs, the whole tribe will be saved.

"You wait outside, I'll go in and have a look."

Long Yao took the box and stepped into the cave.

"Wizard, you're here! Take a look at Sai Ya."

Black Pearl was sweating profusely from anxiety.

"Okay! Hurry up and boil the water, I'll come here."

The smell in the cave was a bit unpleasant, Long Yao frowned slightly.

"Wizard, wizard, am I dying soon?"

Saiya and the other two women were lying on the straw dying.

"It's okay, you'll be fine with me here!"

I don't know how these people take care of the pregnant women.

Not to mention the freezing cold in the cave, all the mothers are allowed to give birth by themselves, and there is no one to take care of them.

"Wizard, I trust you."

Sai Ya's stomach is the biggest, showing signs of dystocia.

Without further ado, he took out a silver needle and pricked a few acupuncture points on the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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